Please, the time for education has long passed. It is action within 30 days or it is a lost cause. “Educate” is “thoughts and prayers.”
Please, the time for education has long passed. It is action within 30 days or it is a lost cause. “Educate” is “thoughts and prayers.”
I like this direction. Let’s do the rest of the billionaires.
Yawn. We are letting it happen. Remove them or else.
Recycling plastic is a scam
Thy should have to give up Northern Ireland 😈
That’s WW4
They are known for their bad teeth
Ahh yes, let’s waste our news coverage on blaming the democrats instead of covering the problem.
Then you let someone garden for you and they keep the food.
Hey UK, they aren’t gonna take you back.
Well, here’s hoping the earth kills us before we kill ourselves 🍻
I doubt the deportable will be able to work off the deportation fees before they are released from the work camp
Yeah… it’s really disappointing that it might come to that.
significant support from Congress, experts say.
Which they will have.
They have probably all done some really really terrible Shit that nobody knows about but they have evidence. If they all hold something over each other, they can move forward with the common goal. Mutually assured destruction.
I feel I was pretty clear. Take a moment.
I just mean this information in general. Not against your question. People need to be careful of DIY medical stuff in general. There’s a reason certain substances are controlled.
Thoughts and prayers.