I came up with this question right after I wanted to take apart a microwave to see why it wasn’t heating anything before I remembered that that’s a very, VERY bad idea
I came up with this question right after I wanted to take apart a microwave to see why it wasn’t heating anything before I remembered that that’s a very, VERY bad idea
Do you ever find that sometimes when you intervene in to other people’s conversations to pull out some of your best absolute cracker lines like “why don’t you google that?” that people just don’t react properly at all? Like you’d expect an appropriate response like some light cheering and maybe lifting you up on their shoulders and handing you a medal and at least a couple of trophies. You know, something befitting of your incisive and insightful contributions, and instead they just kinda stop talking to you? That’s so weird huh?
Especially on a forum-style network dedicated to discussion 🙈
Don’t keep us hanging. Google it for us. (the punchline is in there)
No I expect everyone not to be lazy fucks and do some basic research on one liner facts
The original question I see as a useful conversation where a simple search would probably not give as valuable resultes.
Where simple facts like “how long does a crt tube old a charge” is a Google thing.