I got tired of cleaning them out so I stopped. Now I have an emotional attachment to my 200+ tabs on Firefox mobile 🥹
I have so many the counter turned to infinity lol
counterpoint: why does it need to keep the tabs in ram? either just discard the data and only keep the url, or if it would otherwise double check whether you want to close a tab then save things to disk cache after 5 minutes…
6 gig of ram on a browser!? wtf people close your old tabs.
I got tired of cleaning them out so I stopped. Now I have an emotional attachment to my 200+ tabs on Firefox mobile 🥹
I have so many the counter turned to infinity lol
counterpoint: why does it need to keep the tabs in ram? either just discard the data and only keep the url, or if it would otherwise double check whether you want to close a tab then save things to disk cache after 5 minutes…
I don’t understand this. The only people i have seen with a boatload of tabs open are twitch streamers. I have like maybe 5 open MAX and that’s rare.