I absolutely hate sorting my trash. I loved the idea, and contributing to the recycling cycle. I hate that I’m expected to do the effort and fined for my mistakes, all while knowing that a) big corp gets a lot of slack for creating pollution, for not using better packaging, for directly polluting their manufacturing facilities’ surroundings etc… b) plastic is mostly not recycled.
The worst part is in my city, they don’t actually recycle. Even the stuff in the recycle bin goes to the dump…
Have recycling bins convient for each room you spend the most time in, I have a small bin on my desk and recycling bins in my kitchen
I guess, that’s not the biggest issue. Everyone has that, who’s sorting their trash. The real annoying part (at least for me) is taking the effort to physically take the trash apart. For example removing cellotape from cardboard, removing metal clips from cardboard, washing food remains from containers, removing paper labels from cans, etc. It takes time, and sometimes it’s not even easy to do.
I go to great lengths to do all that, but when it turns out to be impossible, I just throw it in the general waste and I don’t care.
True, my though is that if you just sort it when you throw it away, into a separated recycling bin (paper, glass, plastic) and still use a general bin aswell.
So you have multiple bins in your house?
Fair enough, I mean I do but they are all general waste
I have separated waste bins for recycling: paper, plastic/metal/glass, glass, and food; and a general waste. The bin I have on my desk is for general waste.
Probably 15 years ago while on a freeway interchange, some guy behind me on a cloverleaf whipped past after we merged onto the freeway then slowed down in the left lane to match the speed of a semi. It was clearly intentional as the road was otherwise relatively empty and he kept pace with the truck for a good 10 miles, blocking me in.
To this day I have no idea what his problem was, and part of me feels bad for him because… what normal happy person just randomly takes time out of their day to fuck with someone to thay extent!? But I remember it clearly, so it obviously pissed me off to a degree, yet it feels really petty to still think about it, so idk.
Did you drive a flashy vehicle, by chance? I happen to have a bright yellow car and the number of people it seems to make irrationally mad should be a disclaimer at purchase. People are dumb. Including me for buying this yellow car I can’t afford to replace.
That could be it. It was a turbocharged compact (back before literally everything was a 4cyl turbo), though not externally very flashy. So maybe he was just one of those guys who sported a perpetual hste-boner for imports.
Ooh I bet! I drive a 2012 Scion inline 4cyl, so not at all flexin on anyone with a real sports coupe, but it still seems to drive certain people up the wall to this day all these years later. It’s astonishing, really.
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I remember going on a trip when I was younger, and my (also young) friend was driving. At one point we got onto a stretch of highway and he met speed with a slow or speed limit vehicle like that, kept going for miles.
I don’t remember what prompted it, maybe an aggressive driver we encountered somewhere and were able to block in, maybe just because it’d be funny. But I do remember he’d tell that story for years, and we’d laugh about traffic being backed up further than we could see. Looking back, such a jerk move. I didn’t argue against it at the time, but now I’m half surprised we didn’t get a ticket. It’s kind of a safety hazard.
Come to think of it, that was around 15 years ago. >.>
What!? Did we just become worst enemies???
Yes. ❤️
Trump being elected made me almost 25% richer by increasing the value of assets I held for a very long time. I hate getting value from the harm caused to others
If it makes you feel better, the harm was going to happen with or without you. At least this way, that value isn’t going to someone that is pushing more harm.
How did that happen? Just curious.
Stock market went up after the vote?
For me it’s trying to put on a screen protector on my phone then afterwards noticing that spec of dust just sitting there in direct view
Always use the dust sticker.
That’s a fancy way to overcharge scotch tape.
They usually include one with the screen protector, so I use it, but yeah, Scotch tape works great.
Yep but there is always that one spec of dust that still manages to find its way under the screen protector
I’d love to laugh and agree with you, but using tape WILL get rid of the dust if you look carefully. I haven’t had dust under any of my screen protectors in decades.
the only time I’ve ever managed a perfect install is when I worked in a lab that had a HEPA filtered laminar airflow hood where not-already-disinfected items (like a phone) were allowed in it
Apple hardware is pretty good.
I fought the good fight for years, but modern windows and android hardware is shit in comparison.
Queue the Linux crowd. Listen I like Linux, but every day usability with minimal tinkering isn’t there. Apple stuff just works, and there’s merit to that now.
Apple hardware had always been decent, but I don’t understand the point of macos. If you can work entirely in the browser, than why waste the money on apple? Just grab a chrome book.
If your job requires software, macos is trash. Basic functions like window snapping are still missing. Gaming is non existent. Obscene memory requirements with nothing under 32gb usable for any real work.
I’ve been daily driving Linux for decades and occasionally use Windows, but any time I’m forced to use macos I’m just really confused why people would do that to themselves and then pay 3x the price for decent hardware.
Logic. Final cut. Those are the two best reasons for MacOS. Everything else is FINE and I’ll generally agree, but windows is dogshit when it comes to editing media especially when there’s any kind of I/O device attached.
I have steam on my Mac mini and its generally fine. Sure it doesn’t play everything, but it can run plenty of games just fine. But I also own a steam deck and windows 10 PC so I’m a bad example.
I have a 16 GB Mac mini and logic is perfect. Pro tools was garbage on my windows PC.
Final cut is infinitely better than any windows video editing software.
Nothing against FC but saying it’s infinitely better than something lika Davinci Resolve is just silly.
Fair, but I haven’t edited movies in a few years and never got a chance to use Davinci. Either way, Macs are generally good with media.
Some programs for animation are starting to work better on macs, right after I finished building my first PC. I will likely end up having to use both in the future anyway.
Apple stuff just works
People say this and then pretend to enjoy their lives without window snapping or having a UI worse than GNOME, which I cannot understand lol.
Not wanting to be “that guy” but……
Ack-sh-wa-ly…. Apple added window snapping in the latest release of MacOS.
Wow, they finally invented it!
My husband loves iPhones and all things Apple. He’s adorable. Every update he’s like, “Look at this new great things we can do!”. Confused me: “that’s been an option on android for like, 10 years…”
One of the first things I did after upgrading to the new MacOS was turn off window snapping after just five minutes of fighting with it. If that’s the best quality of life feature that Windows has you can keep it. I need my windows to stay where I put them, not second guess me, or try to help me.
Is the Apple way of snapping windows different from everyone else?
Everyone else has to bring the cursor holding the window all the way to the edge of the monitor to make it snap. It’s not really something you can do by accident unless you have an extremely small screen or really poor hand-eye coordination. Unless you specifically snap a window, it stays where you leave it. Does MacOs do it really aggressively?
I can’t imagine living without window snapping. Half of time I spend on a computer is moving data from one window to another, or comparing 2 things. having to alt+tab between them or work out of unevenly sized windows where I can’t see everything I need to would drive me insane very quick.
Listen I like Linux, but every day usability with minimal tinkering isn’t there. Apple stuff just works, and there’s merit to that now.
Thank you. I’ve been saying this for so long. People like to act like Linux distros in 2024 are now plug and play without any tinkering. No, they still are absolutely not. Yes, they’ve gotten significantly better over the years…by many leaps and bounds honestly. But that are still absolutely nowhere near the level of making sense for a non-tech person unless you set it up and do the tinkering for them. And no, it still isn’t good for games unless your library is all in Steam. Many of us don’t use Steam for most of our games.
No one should force any operating system on you. It is your personal choice and space.
Linux nerds might argue that their Vim/Emacs/Nano workflow is the bestest/fastest/etcetc but none of them will truly wish you to switch without your willingness in the process.
Corporations like Microshit and Duh’Apple do exploit their users and customers.
Consider Louis rossmann and others why Apple suxs.
I would have to lightly disagree about Linux. I think for the average person, just using a browser and occasionally editing a document, some distros are absolutely plug and play.
Installing it can be overwhelming for people unfamiliar but once it’s installed there’s not much to do aside from use it.
My sisters been using Linux for years since most of her schooling has been online, she was on mint for a while and then I switched her to Fedora. The gnome interface was the biggest hurdle to get over and she figured it out in about 10 minutes. She uses firefox, libre office for documents and sheets, the software app to keep everything up to date and install stuff. That’s all there really is to it. The only time she’s ever called me for help is when she changed her password and forgot what it was.
I think if it came pre installed people would do fine.
The hardware is usually ok. Nowadays it isn’t underpowered like it used to be and they have an OS that actually works. But it’s still the logic of MacOS which doesn’t work for everybody. It’s not at all something that “just works”. It’s something that’s “my way or the highway”. And if you can’t figure out what it’s way is, well, tough.
I once bought an Apple laptop after staying away from their machines for ages (since the very early ones). It lasted about 3 months until I went back to a KDE laptop. I found it to be the most irritating thing ever. Everything seemed to be designed to be an annoyance. It definitely didn’t work for me. So I went back to something that did.
If it works for you, great. Don’t assume it does for everyone though.
It absolutely does not work for everyone and every situation. However, I now see the value and merit of you just turn it on and it does the thing. In a lot of cases, there’s minimal resistance because its designed to give minimal resistance. It seems a bit limiting, but some of that design is to minimize user confusion and error, especially for lay people.
When I started to lose the things that made android great I switched to iphone. Now that Windows is really starting to turn to a shit sandwhich, I’ll probably switch to Mac fully.
They may have (slightly) walled gardens, but they are very seamlessly integrated with each other.
I’m part of the problem, and probably won’t change.
I’ll never have the cathartic moment I was dreaming about when I was a teenager where I learn martial arts and get to beat the crap out of some massive asshole who totally deserves it and everyone in the room would agree. I did the hard part of learning martial arts but I’m just not hot-headed enough to fight someone anymore. I resolve conflicts with words and any time I’ve had to defend myself, I’ve just kind of been able to separate myself from the initiator without really hurting anybody and they gave up once they didn’t have a hold of me. There aren’t many realistic scenarios where I have absolutely no choice but to hurt someone, and I can see those scenarios ahead of time and avoid them anyway.
As someone who has only been training for a couple years, that’s the point, no? Martial Arts is a self defense. The first lesson is always de-escalation and then removing yourself from the situation.
Yeah, it is. That’s why I felt it was an appropriate response to the question. Because I hate to admit that it still bothers me.
Nothing, really, I don’t hate to admit anything that pisses me off.
For example, pharmaceutical commercials will give their drug a logo with specific colors, then everything in the commercial will be those specific colors.
I get the branding, but it still pisses me off.
Once you see it, you can’t un-see it.
People getting on a rush hour bus which is the busiest in the city because it’s the university line with an obesity scooter and making everyone get off so they can back ever so slowly on, making everyone late, and they have like 90 bags draped all over the scooter because they’ve just been shopping so there’s like no room, AND they’ve brought their “service dog” who is jumping on the lap of some poor Muslim lady who is obviously terrified of it.
How much easier a pretty woman’s life is.
That is not exclusive to women. Masculine, pretty (read: attractive and nice) men are having it very easy, too.
I wouldn’t know about that. All I know is that there are objectively attractive guys breaking their back on construction sites but I’ve never seen a gorgeous woman working night shifts at gas stations or doing double shifts as a cashier.
The night shifts thing might be getting at a counter-point if you consider why a gorgeous woman might not work night shift at a gas station. I’ve also never walked into a gas station late-night and been greeted by George Clooney behind the counter. Also, I’ve seen plenty of beautiful cashiers and I’m sure one or two of them must have done extra shifts at some point.
Had a class mate in highschool, who was real eye candy. As most pupils that age, she worked a part time job. Hers was in a bakery. She literally had a modeling agent scout her during her shift. She didn’t immediately accept the offer but she sure as hell stopped working registers.
Fair enough
Tom Brady was a good quarterback.
Fuck me is this what they mean by triggered? Lol I would’ve bet my left nut when he went to Tampa that Billy B would get another ring before Tommy B because Tom was such a @ystem QB… nope.