MI6 Chief Sir Richard Moore revealed a “staggeringly reckless” Russian sabotage campaign across Europe, targeting infrastructure and sowing fear to undermine Western support for Ukraine.
Suspected incidents include a DHL cargo plane crash in Lithuania, undersea internet cable cuts, and fires at facilities in Germany, Poland, and the UK.
Moore emphasized the broader threat to European security if Russia succeeds in Ukraine, warning of emboldened autocracies like China and North Korea.
He highlighted covert Western actions countering Russia and reinforced the importance of UK-France-US intelligence collaboration against Putin’s “morally bankrupt axis.”
Diplomacy doesn’t work with dictators. It seems like Western countries are afraid of “angering Russia” by arresting their spies or stopping trade with the country as a whole.
Then just fucking assassinate Putin.
You’ve all already got the assets in place.
This. Western countries need to take gloves off and just kill this fucking criminal.
It is a nuclear state.
… and?
Russia’s methodology is waaay insaner than we Westerners would imagine…
The ONLY reason that nukes haven’t been used against Ukraina is because … lower-down officers haven’t authorized it.
They’ve got a bizarre system whereby there’s a “secrets officer” in every … platoon is it? … to make-certain that EVERYbody in their military is kept in the dark, throughout the entire hierarchy,
AND THEN they have it so that the lower-downs decide whether nukes are used…
Sargeants? lower?
So, they make absolutely certain that the people making such decisions cannot-possibly have the information they need.
Russian military doctrine.
Same as when that Russian nuke-sub had a malfunction, & a Russian officer refused to contribute to nuke-everything, so we owe HIM our lives, too!
Just because we’re saner … doesn’t mean that our-method is somehow normal among their military…
& saner is a relative thing, right?
I wonder what percentage of humankind will look back, in 16 years, wondering how we could have been complaining about our condition now, when it all went to hell, then ( I expect WW3 to go completely-bonkers in about 2040, but non-nuke, as I expect the trashing of GPS++ to happen, before then: Kessler Syndrome should render ICBMs unusable, along with all satnav )
No idea what it is you are on but I suggest you better stop taking it.
Well, they were assassinating people in Europe before 2022. What makes Europe think Russia gives a damn about laws or basically anything?
Its only reckless if the perp has to worry about his life and the finding out phase.
If you instead just appease the criminal and constantly shy away when he threatens you with the same alcoholic abuser-inspired dramatic “pack your bags!” bullshit, you’re part of the problem.
Europe needs to invest in military asap
We are and hopefully we will purchase more European made weapon systems and stop purchasing from the near future unreliable defense partner, the USA.
Oh the USA is a very reliable producer and seller of weapons. No matter who is in power, that won’t stop.
Not exactly, if Mango Mussolini decides to stop the flow of spare parts to foreign owners of US weapons, nobody with a sane mind will buy them. There are plenty of alternatives on the market.
He won’t. He’s a bitch, and the weapon’s manufacturers would just as soon pop him than lose money. It’s all about money.
USA might be an easier partner than some European countries. For example, to buy German weapons the approval has to go through the whole Bundestag, which is incredibly slow
It’s like Europe hasn’t learned the lessons of two world wars.
Sir Richard also said British spies were taking “covert action” against Russia to defeat Vladimir Putin and likened intelligence activity today in Ukraine to the “secret war” fought in the Second World War against Nazi Germany.
Well, if anybody can secret-agent their way out of this one, it’s the British lol
You’re suggesting that their Russian-backed Brexit proves they’re subtly-superior in such capability?
No, I’m mostly saying it ironically based on the image of the British spy in popular media.