French journalist and renowned Middle East expert Marine Vlahovic was found dead at her home in Marseille on Monday, November 27.
According to reports by La Provence, her body was discovered on the roof terrace of her residence by friends who had grown concerned after she failed to respond to calls or messages. She was 39 years old.
According to ARTE Radio, Marine Vlahovic had dedicated part of her short life to the Palestinian cause.
In Gaza Calling, she compiled video and voice messages from her colleagues and friends in Gaza, trapped under the bombs.
Did Israel just pull a Russia?
I think you need to read about the history of Mossad.
Israel has a long history of assassinating people abroad.
Also of stealing everything thats not nailed down. Their nuclear arsenal was built from Uranium stolen from US labs, and no one in the US government cares at all. They also spy on the US as strenuously as our actual enemies. Weird.
You realize the US spies even more than they do on their allies, right? The US can’t say anything against Israel for that.
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I think the attack on the Belgium telecom was worse
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More like a Boeing
What are we, a bunch of ASIANS??
I don’t understand this comment.
It’s a meme deployed whenever a westerner describes something their government does as bad by way of comparing it to ‘those evil asiatics’ as if it’s natural to them but not to us
It’s extremely racist in a way that most people don’t even think about, so the meme is to needle them into understanding
I see. What I said did not come from a place of racism against Russians. I am aware that the USA and associated governments can be every bit as messed up, although in less obvious ways.
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Was that really necessary? Not everyone in USA knows the long history of what the government has done.
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they only take out traitors
Fuck you.
Ah yes, those famously traitorous Moroccan waiters
So you’ve made this comment before, which makes me think the one you’ve made here is satirical/sarcastic, or otherwise misjudged. Can you expand on this?
Mossad, only taking care of traitors is as sarcastic as sarcasm could be.
They were pretty clearly trying to get people to validate their support for Israel in that thread and are now upset that no one did.
If you consider journalists traitors, then maybe you’re on the evil side of this issue.
childish little edge lord
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Authorities in Marseille have launched an investigation to determine the cause of Vlahovic’s death.
They’ll get to it just after they figure out who blew up NordStream 2
We…uhhh… suspect Russian involvement
Well that could mean anything between “she died of not immediately obvious medical reason, so cause of death inguiry is needed” to “she was murdered, we are investigating”. Heck to investigate “there is no external markers, but we don’t know is it medical stroke or a poisoning murder”.
So I would say, wait until they investigated and tell, if they suspect foul play before jumping to conclusions. Not that Israel isn’t capable and on choosing so willing, but sometimes people just suddenly die of medical causes without prior warning.
“She was so overcome by the guilt of being an antisemitic terrorist degenerate that she climbed up on that roof, tied herself up, and shot herself twice in the back of the head.”
The very important difference is that (apparently) murdering journalists is bad, but destroying disgusting pipelines controlled by fascist capitalists is actually good.
disgusting pipelines controlled by fascist capitalists
It wasnt Germany who controlled it, it just delivered the gas to them, it was Russia who controlled it.
Right, the fascist capitalists.
Imagine how sad Hexbear is going to be when they find out the Soviet Union doesn’t exist anymore.
Imagine how sad Americans are going to be when they find out how many lies their media peddles about American foreign policy and world powers it can paint as adversaries when that foreign policy inevitably does what it was always designed to do - keep the war machine turning.
Maybe I’m dating myself, but when I see comments like this it reminds me of Home Alone. Specifically the part of Home Alone where Kevin’s siblings are telling him lurid and outlandish horror stories about the old guy who lives next door, which all obviously turn out to be wild bullshit.
I think of this when I see people who have clearly only heard about hexbear secondhand from the bitterly banned, try to make fun of it with no real information to work from. Yeah man, we’re all communists but we all somehow missed the memo about 1991, that makes sense. You remind me of when I used to be a liberal who made Winnie the pooh jokes to Chinese people, just so far out of your depth that you can’t even perceive how deeply embarrassing you’re being.
Most of the hexbear people I run into here are not even communists and barely know the first thing about communism (there are a few exceptions).
Most are just wumaos (or 50 cent army) who dogmatically post the “CPC” party line, or whatever RT is posting, as well as posting right wingers and neoliberals like the Daily Caller or Jeffery Sachs because they agree with the propaganda they’re consuming/spreading. They have George Bush level logic: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” assuming that if the US is bad then, transitively, Russia and China are good. The idea that all three are terrible, in different ways, seems to be too much for them.
Most of the hexbear people I run into here are not even communists and barely know the first thing about communism
Well damn, I guess I must have hallucinated all the monthly book clubs. But hey, I don’t want to be trafficking with fake communists, so I’m very glad I ran into you! Can you please tell me where the hexbears have gone wrong so that I and others may avoid repeating their mistakes? It’s only the comradely thing to do, and besides, it would be dangerous and irresponsible to leave misinformation uncountered. So, what is the “first thing” about communism that they’re missing?
Imagine how stupid anachronist is gonna look when they find out we already know. Russia has been a liberal western democracy for over 30 years now.
You misspelled “oligarchy” there.
what the fuck do you think liberal western democracy is, dumbass
An oligarchy is not a democracy… Not even a “liberal western democracy”, aka “Constitutional Democratic Republic”…
Now, if you wanna get all pedantic and all, we certainly can.
It was an ukrainian triggerman
It’s disgusting to go after journalists who do nothing but uncover the truth.
Stories like these might frighten journalist, leading us into a dystopian world of wars and lies.
I think we are a bit farther than “might”.
I wouldn’t mind doing this type of journalism if I was even remotely skilled at writing but the fact is they don’t get paid nearly enough. This women was probably passionately pursuing her own journalistic ambitions with no payout other than the work itself. Then she was murdered for it.
leading us into a dystopian world of wars and lies.
Leading? Ye best start believin’ in dystopias, yer in one!
Also known as “the world”
I may be jumping to conclusions here but this smells like mossad
It’s not as if Israel or its leaders have to fear suffering any kind of consequences from France on this, whose posture has been nothing more than mild talkie-talkie and who even refuse to abide by an Arrest Warrant from the ICC on Netanyahu (a very obvious wink-and-nod from Macron to the New Nazis in Israel).
With mainly Collaborator politicians in the various governments in Europe (notable exceptions being those in Spain and the Republic Of Ireland), it’s open season for Mossad to murder Europeans in Europe at will.
That’s an absolutelly natural consequence from in practice condoning and even protecting Nazis going full-on Genocidal and they lose all fear of consequences.
France be like “well good thing Israel killed her otherwise we would have had to.”
Nothing about the Israeli Nazis are new, they have been slowly organizing since Kahana.
I use “New” or even “Neue” to distinguish the Nazis that claim to represent Jews and are genocidal towards Arabs, from the Nazis who claimed to represent Arians and were genocidal towards Jews (and Roma, though “curiously” here in the West almost nobody mentions those).
Because the etnicity targetted by one group of Nazis is the “dominant” etnicity of the other, if I don’t do this some people confuse my anti-Zionist point with being pro-Zionist, especially given that the Zionists themselves will use Nazi as a form of slander against people who criticize them.
You betcha! Everyone knows it’s Israel’s god given right to defend themselves from those dastardly French journalists! Don’t you know that documenting their atrocities is antisemitic terrorism?
Of course, kinda like how when the evil newspaper Haaretz critiques Bibi or the illegal settlers they’re antisemitic (just ignore how they’re the oldest running zionist newspaper, that fact is antisemitic).
YHWH himself could come down and tell them to stop killing Palestinians and they’d call him antisemitic.
But… Why target journalists when they already have free reign of terror. Few foreign journalist could only cause so much damage.
The Israeli army themselves are attracting lot more notoriety.
Israel has proven that they’re willing to target any journalist or independent media outlet both domestic and foreign. They’ve even targeted the center-right (and very Zionist) Haaretz.
CIA & MOSSAD are the shadow government, she probably knew too much
Business owners and billionaires, who own the CIA, Mossad and politicians, but yes.
Why not, it’s not like the French government will do anything about it. Killing her sends the message to other Western journalists that they’re not safe if they badmouth the genocide. If this shuts some of them up, it’s a win for Israel.
French are kinda weird.
Pour encourager les autres
They have murdered far more journalists in and around Gaza and in Lebanon and assassinated who knows how many others overseas.
What’s weird is that I can’t find even one article about her death in the more mainstream French newspapers such as Le Monde or Le Figaro or Libération. There’s something in Ouest France. Did anyone find more?
They’re currently not treating her death as suspicious. I know it doesn’t mean that it isn’t but I think it’s worth mentioning.
just enter her name in google and some small independent articles come up, but its clearly being silenced on all the networks.
It happened days ago so its not an issue of waiting for the major news outlets to catch on-- its censureship.
Very sad to see this happen.
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No cause of death stated, which makes me think it’s either something subtle and hard to detect like a poison, or something unpublishably obvious like a bullet
Definitely suspicious af, but until there is a clear evidence we can only speculate.
You don’t give people who have been murdering journalists, aid workers, and medical personal the benefit of the doubt. you assume and absolve them later if facts don’t substantiate it. this isnt a trial there isn’t an individual being accused. its a state with a history of murdering people like this reporter. you stop associating with them. which is precisely what biden should have done a year ago.
The Saudis used a bonesaw to make kashoggi disappear… the Israelis want to send a message:
We are not acting like the good guys any more.
“We” as… From the perspective of the Israelis.
Somebody fucking protect Norman Finkelstein before his neighborhood mossad members get his ass
Found dead while making a documentary about the killings in gaza. Of all the rotten luck, eh.
I wonder if there will be an actual transparent independent autopsy or will it be some sort of sham. I mean I dont wonder very much, we all know the answer. But I still wonder a little bit.
Did Lemmy always have it so sites can be embedded?
It is a bug which keeps happening with Almaydeen. No idea why but it is pretty funny.
It might think it’s a video embed or something, this seems like a security issue
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