Hello everyone. Hope everyone has had a good week. I’ve had a busy week (3 job interviews) but still found time to play a lot of Binding of Isaac since a muscle injury has kept me out of the gym. Hope everyone has a good upcoming week.

  • buckykat [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    I am yet again playing some shit I wouldn’t have bothered pirating but egs gave me for free so why not.

    I haven’t played a Lego game since Lego Island (1997) but I’ve heard the Lego (insert franchise here) games are good and they’re giving away 9 movies worth of Lego Star Wars so I decided to give it a try and first impression is holy shit this game is huge. I got a few of the glowing blue rpg elements upgrade token bricks and the game tells me there’s 1200 of the goddamn things? So far the plot is literally just the movie scene for scene but with constant Lego based slapstick. Luke finding his family murdered hits weird when he’s a little Lego guy.

        • MaoTheLawn [any, any]@hexbear.net
          3 months ago

          Ahhh the new one

          yeah it’s huge but to be honest it doesn’t have as much of the ‘lego games’ identity about it as previous titles

          obviously I have a lot of nostalgia but for me Lego games peaked when they still had unvoiced characters - or at least they were voiced but only spoke in gesticulations and hmms and ahhs

          also the new one doesn’t have character creation which is bollocks

          I suppose it’s not really surprising that Disney Lego Games are more commercial - that era of Star Wars games in particular when video games were still a bit of a wild west were amazing. LucasFilm licensed Star Wars out to anyone that had a fun idea, and let them go nuts. Some of it was totally shit but it was all smaller studios, it was fresh and attempting to innovate.

          • buckykat [none/use name]@hexbear.net
            3 months ago

            Like I said, I haven’t played a Lego game since 1997, so those things flew right over my head. I have no expectations of a current century Lego game, I am in full blob-no-thoughts mode over here.