So disappointed to learn this isn’t real
Be the change you want to see on the world
I’ll add that if someone knows of a similarly ridiculous hallmark meet outlander meet b movie bonanza film that I can force my wife to watch the absolute insanity with me, please do share!
Please please please tell me that they’re actually is a President Obama’s list of top movies for women from 2017 though.
Newsweek contacted Obama by press contact form on his website
I’m not gonna spoil the ending by linking the article 😉
brb asking SO if they’d still love me if I became a grain
“only if the grain is corn”
Recommended wine pairing: Dr. Aroused’s Boxed Cabernet Sauvignon. Ask a Target employee which aisle is “wine aisle.”
I feel like this is a new challenge.
- Go to target
- Walk up to target employee
- With a straight face ask the question making sure to use air quotes for emphasis
- See if either party can walk away from the conversation without smiling.
Suggested Film/Wine Pairing
Almost had me until i zoomed in…
Strong Obvious Plant vibes, but distinct from Obvious Plant.
I like it.
These “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” sequels sure are getting weird
I know it’s fake because I can’t find the Hallmark Channel logo.
Gotta love the review blurb from Roper: “The three brothers … held the key.”
I lack the mental capacity to unpack any of this blurbage, but holy hell - what a cover and strategic use of an ellipsis.
“He was a forbidden seed of which she would secretly partake in the night, neither knowing or caring of the consequences that later manifested as malignant bulges of gluten”
This is beautiful
So what is left of her husband is seed. Brilliant.
The estate of Rick Moranis really needed some cash flow?
Dude, Rick isn’t dead. His wife died in '91 and he retired so he could be a stay-at-home dad.