Mass graves uncovered in Syria after Bashar al-Assad’s overthrow reveal evidence of systematic atrocities, with over 100,000 people tortured and killed in what a top war crimes prosecutor described as the worst abuses “since the Nazis.”
Assad’s regime operated a “machinery of death,” involving mass disappearances, torture, and secret burials.
Rebel forces freed thousands of political prisoners, but many remain missing.
International efforts aim to document war crimes, though Assad, now in Russia, is unlikely to face trial.
Really? Nothing else since WWII has been this bad? I can think of three off the top of my head! Syria’s neighbor is doing a holocaust right now. It’s like they’re pretending that nothing bad has happened since the Nazis were defeated.
There are 100.000 bodies in a single mass grave. And that is just one out of five. That’s kinda in a league of its own.
Gaza is a mass grave at this point.
It is, but not this big yet.
This is bigger than Gaza, not like the IDF is not trying to catch up.
Estimates are far higher than the official death toll - it’s hard to count bodies buried under the rubble.
Stop. Let the people of Syria be recognized for the horrors they lived through. Wtf is wrong with you?
I will not allow Palestinians to be erased! Or any of the other mass murders of over 100,000 people! This disrespects every atrocity that has happened since the end of WWII, by saying those ones either aren’t real or don’t count.
so because theres already a genocide no other genocides can exist? Yes, the Palestina genocide is bad, but that doesn’t mean posting about any other genocide is hate towards Palestinians.
You don’t get to say “the worst since WWII” when there were other genocides that compared or were worse since WWII. It’s erasing history.
“Worst” is what I’m taking issue with.
I agree with your point but I think the Palestinian genocide is a bad example. Imo better examples from the top of my mind: the Rwandan and Cambodian genocides likely were far worse both in absolute numbers and as a % of the population, and the policies of Maoist China got many more people killed.
Man, Mao’s policies got so many people killed that “only” 3-4m people died of famine.
He’s got an incredible kill count.
Stalin all ready had a high kill count before the Nazis started their extermination camps.
Mao’s policies weren’t deliberate, the bird thing was an attempt to help his people. Idk why this is constantly brought up when it is no where in the same league as someone deliberately trying to kill people. It just reeks of stupid western propaganda.
The Palestinian genocide is happening right now, is my point. We don’t have to crawl through history to find atrocities.
Indonesia after the CIA coup is another good example, or Iraq when we killed over a million people. This stuff is way more recent than WWII.
And the Palestinian genocide and your other examples aren’t “worse” in any metric (yet). The use and misrepresentation of those examples just tells us that you’re a tankie who engages in whataboutism and spreads untruths to build a narrative.
Bad year for tankies
Better a “tankie” than a faschie 😉
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You mean the country that is claiming Syrian sovereign space like the Golan Heights for their illegal settlements since the 90s?
And currently stealing even more land!
Well, now Syria is weakened from the revolution. That is the best time to go and steal some land!
Yes, nothing.
No one here is claiming what Israel is doing isn’t horrible (hell, you’re the only one bringing it up). But, this is worse. Wild how there can be more than one bad thing and one being worse doesn’t make the other one not bad, isn’t it?
Don’t argue with a .ml user when they move the goalposts to be “America bad” without any context. It’s a losing battle.
This isn’t worse! The official death toll is a massive undercount, the real death toll is probably in the same order of magnitude.
The Russians never stopped doing such things. Before, during and after WW2.
Yeah, from what I’ve gathered, Putin has enslaved and trafficked his own people (and in some cases killed and grave robbed them) for money and blackmail. Remember the monkey torture video rings? Well, it seems like Putin was doing that with his own people along with prisoners and trafficked people from other countries, to make every kind of video you could think of, to sell to influential people worldwide to gain blackmail on them. He also likely had irl experiences that people like Trump engaged in.
In Michael Wolff’s Fire&Fury podcast and book, he asserts Russia has pictures of Trump with topless minors. Katie Johnson also said he raped her and another girl when they were 13 and 12, and hit them afterwards for not performing good enough. This is absolutely a man who would engage in disturbing behavior overseas, and Epstein himself called Trump depraved and said there was nothing he couldn’t do. You can listen to Epstein himself say it in the podcast.
There’s also the Active Measures documentary with John McCain and Hilary Clinton. And Unger’s book American Kompromat.
So yeah, it’s likely the snuff videos from Russia you’d see on 4chan and Instagram were state sponsored media meant to get money and blackmail. It’s likely the extreme Russian torture videos were state sponsored. It’s likely that Tulsi, Elon (who admitted in court this year he has a kink roleplay account on X of his toddler XAE, who he took to meet Erdogan and keeps kidnapped from his mom), JDolphin Vance, RFK Jr, Tucker “a demon scratched me in bed not my dogs and no Putin isnt blackmailing me to say this as a wink towards what im being blackmailed for” Carlson, and all the rest, have SERIOUS SERIOUS blackmail on them.
All at the expense of Russian people and enslaved people.
The Cambodian Genocide
It’s going to take some time (and digging) to find out.
However… events that unfolded in Cambodia will almost certainly have exceeded what is going to be discovered in Syria.
Most likely the same can be said about things that happened in Indonesia.
Events that continue to happen in North Korea may possibly exceed - once the place collapses and access becomes possible - which may take a century - what Bashar and his father managed to organize.
How “whatabout” that.
Stop trying to shove this news under the carpet with your “I know worse but I won’t tell you!!1!”
I’m trying to point out that history didn’t start and end in WWII, and pointing to something just as bad happening right now.
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I expect nothing less from 🙄
Do you really think 100,000 people haven’t been killed in any since conflict since WWII? Cuz that’s the implication.
You’re angry about a headline that abbreviates the actual story.
The very first paragraph of the article:
The article agrees with you. It’s only the headline that doesn’t.
This kind of anger and engagement at headlines is exactly what the media thrives off of. Don’t let them win by doing just that.
They win by getting you to click on the article. 🙄
They don’t get to smuggle lies into headlines and then clarify in the article. They should be held accountable for that kind of click bait.
So contact NBC with your concerns. Arguing with people who can’t change it just makes people who might otherwise agree with you frustrated with your point of view.
After thinking about it, I’ve realized why they always use Nazis as the measuring stick: it’s the last event of this type that the majority of Americans are familiar with.
Which I think says quite a bit about the education level of our populace
Israel hasn’t killed over 100,000 yet. Gaza is a lot smaller than Syria or Europe.
The official toll isn’t over 100,000 (can’t count people under the rubble) but estimates put it over 100,000 i.e. same order of magnitude. Gaza being smaller just makes these estimates even more horrifying.
But also, not just talking about Gaza. Lots of other atrocities have lead to mass death on this scale and larger.
You must not know what the definition of “worst” means.
I must not! I’m pretty sure “worst since the Nazis” means " nothing between now and then was worse". As far as I was aware, worst means worse than everything else.
Worse than Indonesia. Cambodia. Algeria. Iraq. Korea. Vietnam. Yugoslavia. Evidently no atrocities have happened since WWII! 🙄
That’s different from saying you think worse things happened.
Might want to brush up on your reading comprehension, buddy.
If something is “the worst” then nothing worse happened, ergo, they’re pretending that all the other worse things didn’t happen. Evidently, the million people that were killed in Iraq and Indonesia just aren’t as important.
Yes. That’s different from “nothing bad has happened.”
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I don’t think we need to play Topp Trumps Genocide Edition. Can we just agree that it’s horrific what Assad (and by extension, Putin) have been doing in Syria?
No, we need to acknowledge that Assad is not the worst since WWII, otherwise we erase all the other atrocities that have happened.
Other genocides have happened. Worse genocides have happened. History didn’t start and end in WWII.
You do realise that saying “… it’s not the worst that’s happened” is also a form of erasure.
…but of course, you do.