Rather then rallying support among the workers and minorities they tried to win over the “undecided centrists”. As a result they lost the left, minorities voted Trump, and workers were mostly split (as bad as Trump is he did give lip service to workers).
Representative Democracy is obsolete. We’re approaching the stage that technology would allow Direct Democracy.
Representative democracy has been killed by Corporate oligarchic lobbyists and hostile governments waging information warfare on titanic scale. the goose is cooked
Its not the workers job to prop up liberal Democracy, if anything its the obligation of every worker to destroy Liberalism and establish a true workers democracy.
Rather then rallying support among the workers and minorities they tried to win over the “undecided centrists”. As a result they lost the left, minorities voted Trump, and workers were mostly split (as bad as Trump is he did give lip service to workers).
You’re saying the left is to blame for Trump winning because they didn’t vote?
not exclusively, but that’s certainly a contributing factor in losing the game at the last minute.
Its not the workers job to support genocide, its the workers job to ensure that their leaders dont support genocide
Representative Democracy is obsolete. We’re approaching the stage that technology would allow Direct Democracy. Representative democracy has been killed by Corporate oligarchic lobbyists and hostile governments waging information warfare on titanic scale. the goose is cooked
America funds the IDF so Israel will prevent Iran from taking over the region and to keep Russia out of Syria.
Russia and Iran are responsible for the genocide in Ukraine.
It’s the workers job to support the Ukrainian people and democracy.
Its not the workers job to prop up liberal Democracy, if anything its the obligation of every worker to destroy Liberalism and establish a true workers democracy.