With all the controversy around the game, I pretty much ignored anything to do with it at launch. Since the game is on sale right now I wanted to know, is it actually any good? If it is I’d like to play it.

  • QubaXR@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Well said. I had a similar experience. I was very impressed by the production value great models, textures, amazing digital recreation of Hogwarts.

    Unfortunately, the game drags on and it’s filled with Ubisoft-style chores.

    Instead of mainlining the story, I decided to get lost in the world, do side quests and explore. It was fun for a while - a long while - but then begun wearing thin. I was ready to wrap up the adventure and finish the game when I realized I’m maybe 60% through only.

    Put it away for later and haven’t touched it again in months…