I’ve been playing some retro games recently (PS1 and prior) and I’ve been discovering a lot of games that I never thought I would enjoy. Particularly 90s arcade shmups and arcade style sports games.
What are some of your favorite retro games that you always find yourself coming back to?
I just started my nostalgia hunt lately, and firstly it’s Digimon World after watching some content about it. It’s still hold up quite well tbh, even though it does show its age with its system.
I replay it every other year. It was one of my first games ever, started playing it when I was 5 or so and kept grinding on the same save file for more than 10 years.
For those interested, the Maeson patch fixes all the bugs that afflicted the game on release and adds a lot of QoL improvements, including persistent music across screens (in the original game, the music resets every time you change screen), diversified evolution lines, and rebalanced progression.
I replayed it last summer with the Maeson patch and it was very enjoyable while still keeping the “core” experience intact.
Nice, that’s an interesting patch. Can it be done with existing save file?
Also does it patch the monochromon notorious item shop minigame 🙈
I don’t know about the existing save file. It should be compatible, though. It’s worth a try.
As for Monochromon, yes! It’s a lot less frustrating now.
Great! Gotta try it after work
When I was a kid I didn’t have my own memory card so I just played the first 2 hours of Digimon World every few days or so LOL. Good game.
Definitely worth trying it now with emulator, savestate and speeding up helps with a lot of tedious stuff and risk-taking, i emulate it with my phone and it sure helps that i don’t have to stick to the front of my pc to play it. I love the mystery the world bring, and it encourage you to explore. Difficulty is wonky though.