Would love to hear some recommendations especially if they are available in Canada. I’ve been chewing a lot of whatever the green and blue version of 5 gum is lately. 5 released a caffeinated version of their gum called respawn but I don’t think it was ever sold in Canada.

  • Not Chad McTruth@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    thanks for asking i love telling this story

    it was spring break of 1999 and i had just gotten a good deal on the rerelease of tom & jerry the movie so obviously i spent most of the day watching it several times and you know how sometimes you watch something and you really relate to a character and you just wanna embody them well thats how i felt about jerry so you already know what i did i went out and i got LOADS of cheese the good stuff too i was eating kraft singles all evening

    after all that cheese and tom & jerry i was purely content so naturally i slept like a rock and dreamt good dreams and to this day can you believe it that was the best sleep ive had my whole life and sometimes i try to recreate it but its not the same and one thing that made it so special was i dreamt that my crush accidentally forgot to put on clothes how great is that

    anyway that morning i asked my mom if we could call my brother so i could tell him about it and it turns out he died in his sleep that night of cardiac arrest