FYI this is not me. I was clearing out some meme pics from my Dropbox when I found this.
Okay, so you’re actively risking yours and other peoples lives to have this meaningless discussion? That makes David dumb? You then acknowledge how dumb driving and texting is yourself?
It doesn’t read like you are the brightest bulb on my screen either.
Not me, old pic I have saved from years ago that I found on the internet. I agree, people who text and drive are assholes.
He seems fun. And I mean that in a real way. I imagine hanging out with him is a constant stream of joking around and shenanigans. Like, I’ve probably said similar things to my friends before.
Oh shit, I might be David.
It’s ok, some of us like David. Wait, am I David as well?
I actually asked that when scheduling a job interview. She asked if 10 is fine. I asked AM or PM. Didn’t get the job
It was AM
I had a Zoom interview at 2am once. They were in another country and i guess they didn’t think about adjusting for my timezone
no, i don’t have a David in my life
I actively avoid having this guy in my life.
It’s actually not all that unreasonable for a large university to have very late night classes. I would 100% register for a midnight class LMAO
Sure, but context strongly suggests it’s the one an hour away rather that the one that’s 13 hours away.
I’ve never seen a class start at midnight. I recall classes at like 10pm though. I think that was the latest I’ve seen.
Especially for things like an astronomy.
There are night courses for adults getting their GED and English for Spanish speakers at the community college here that are sometimes around 12-1am. I was an aide for one.
Guys come on it’s a reasonable question
I’ve never actually looked at “night classes,” are they night night or like, 6pm?
They can go pretty late if your area has a large enough demand, I took a class once that started at like 8 PM and got out at 10PM
no, not ‘night night’, but more like ‘after 1st shift ends but before their bedtime’ night (reasonable bedtime, like their kids’ bedtime)
I’ve had on-site night classes that were pretty late - don’t remember how late exactly. Maybe 10pm
7pm on a Friday is the latest I’ve had. This was also back during lockdown so it was online. More than a few of us were having some drinks. Fun class.
Lol I went to local community college that runs apprentice programs paid for by local factories to train their employees. Those workers go to school during their shift hours. Including second and third shift. I had classes from 6pm to 4am when I was in the program.
I think I’ve seen too much Hilda. Wild to imagine this convo between David and Frida, but also oddly on point
Yet again I an thankful for being antisocial