Let me copy and paste that secondary title for my re-reading it when reviewing my comments later:
“Or, how access journalism is used by the U.S. intelligence community to divert narratives away from their covert activity.”
thank you
edit: honestly i had long thought that TOP GEAR’s international episodes were part of the British espionage network.
This 100%. Many of these “news” agencies are nothing more than PR firms & intelligence agency propaganda machines.
A spokesperson who phoned the author at 10:36 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Friday spent the majority of a more than 90 minute discussion attempting to pursuade this publication to stop digging into who was running the Safe Reach Solutions shell company: “I’m not trying to run you off a story, you can do whatever you want. Someone else is going to break that one,” the spokesperson continued, in an apparent reference to their process of burying the detail into a story at The Washington Post. “The next story to write if I’m you, is a piece about the humanitarian [aid] and hostages."
What pieces of shit. He subtly threatened the person trying to interview him, telling them to leave the story alone and stop looking into it.
The most prestigious award for journalism is given out by the CIA, delivered at mach 1 speed
“private consultant”.
I’ll take “headlines you won’t hear in mainstream Western media for 100” Alex