For reference, that’s 31.5% of all House Republicans. Another way to see it is that 68.5% of House Republicans, which are generally the most extreme breed of Republican, are supportive of US military aid to Ukraine. I’m pleasantly surprised to find support for Ukraine remaining that high.
And in early 2015, what percentage of Republicans openly supported Trump? How many of them voted to impeach him? How many of them voted to impeach the second time?
Make no mistake - this is extremely alarming and you should wake up. I legitimately can’t believe I even have to type this comment out. We are so fucked.
There should be zero US dollars spent on Ukraine and Israel as long as homelessness and healthcare are still a problem in the US. The fact that I even have to remind people of this problem is alarming.
Homelessness and healthcare aren’t stuck behind money in any way. There’s no need to even reduce the military budget or Ukraine donations to make them happen. It’s just that nobody but the poor people wants them solved. Everyone involved profits from it.
There are way more empty residential properties in the US than homeless people. The inefficiency of the current healthcare system is so bad, the US government spends a bigger part of the GDP on healthcare than many countries with universal healthcare - and that doesn’t even include private spending.
But you know what? Doctors in the US can make about 10x as much as doctors in my eastern-european country with socialized medicine while the difference in median salaries between the two countries is barely 3x. People will tell you it’s just insurance companies profiting off the system while everyone else suffers, but it’s also doctors, nurses and the ultra-greedy hospital administrators. Property owners in the US have been enjoying huge value appreciation for a long time. Did you know that some 65% of Americans own a home? All of those people are profiting off the unaffordable housing market, some more than others.
Lol, you have to be gullible to think the conservative politicians actually cares about balancing the budget. If we cut off Ukraine they’ll just go back to their old excuses for screwing over poor people.
I got to hand it to the Russians. Their disinformation campaigns against the US finally worked.
The GOP has had a long history of supporting their figureheads at all cost, so all it took was getting in bed with one of them. Once Trump was associated with Russia, the whole party and media apparatus became pro Russia.
They didn’t just pay trump, they paid a lot of them…
It doesn’t cost much in campaign donations to buy a politician, especially a House republican.
Could be as cheap as 5-10k for both primary leaders.
If they take it and win, Russia now has blackmail on them.
That’s practically nothing to another country.
Don’t forget when both Democratic and Republican parties servers were hacked back in 2015. Things were leaked from the Democrats, but nothing came out on the Republicans. Nice to have that info hanging over their heads…
They’ve been working for years, arguable since the run up to the 2016 elections when they started becoming active in Trump and Sanders communities online
Serious question…Why are these Republicans so pro-Russia? I don’t get it.
Because they envy Putin’s oligarchy and the nationalism of the Russian population which makes them easy to control.
Make no mistake - these people want Gilead more than anything. I mean they literally keep saying it over and over again. They are domestic terrorists and enemies of the west. And everyone is going to pretend like this is a “difference of opinion” until it is too late.
Own the libs
Money. There’s no way Russia/rich people/criminals aren’t playing with these people. My conspiracy is that these people are so dumb they don’t know that they are being used or they are just really narcissistic.
hold on what are you on about this is so vague, are you saying theres vast criminal networks in yiur hometown hiding in plain sight? im so confused
Yeah, I wanna hear more about this!
What about Russia would they dislike?
Well they’re always yelling about how liberals are socialist or communist, and Russia was previously socialist and communist. Also they say they don’t like government to control things, and the Russian government controls everything. They hate on NPR and call it state sponsored, while all Russian media is state sponsored. So yeah, you would think they wouldn’t like Russia, but only if you thought they actually believe the shit they say.
and Russia was previously socialist and communist
The current Russian regime uses heavy Anti-Soviet messaging, and demonizes socialism as much as American conservative politics. The USSR wasn’t great for a lot of Russians.
Also they say they don’t like government to control things
I think emphasis here needs to be on “they say”, yet most non-economic policy American conservatives tout (aka the culture wars) is about injecting more government intervention in the day to day lives of Americans. Ex: Christian Prayer in schools, banning books from libraries, anti-drag bills, banning racial-inequality education, anti-gay legislation, the list goes on and on. American conservatives would love as much control over their population as Russia exerts on theirs.
They hate on NPR and call it state sponsored
Which fits their narrative, when in reality NPR only receives around 5% of government funding. They don’t like NPR because they aren’t easily able to be bought due to being largely crowd funded and won’t immediately parrot their talking points. They would love a state funded media company that parroted their talking points which Fox News comfortably does.
If American conservatives actually believed the their talking points then yes they would be vehemently anti-Russian, but they don’t. They’re only pro-power which the Russian government has figured out within their borders.
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Also they say they don’t like government to control things
They don’t like not their government to control things.
They’re probably just not getting a piece of all that laundered money from the US defense contractors
Because they think it’s a stupid proxy war that doesn’t serve the US (because it strengthens BRICS which hurts the Petro Dollar) and that US support for Ukraine is a ploy to ensure that supposed US funded biolabs (that are pretty much confirmed to exist, afaik) aren’t uncovered, because Joe and Hunter Biden are likely to be involved in them via the company Metabiota.
I’m as irritated as everyone else because it’s usually not the Republicans to be the sane ones but it seems the Democrats are even more corrupt nowadays. The FBI is actively trying to suppress evidence of bribery of a sitting President and it’s even denying answering Congress (or Senate? Not 100% sure which one, I’m not an American) inquiries.
The world has gone mad.
This is your brain on lead dust.
Wow. Everything you just said was wrong. This war has empowered NATO and the US more than every action taken by the US in the last 20 years combined. The biolabs theory is a joke as is the idea that a republican FBI director appointed by Trump would protect Biden. I always hear about how non Americans have a better perspective on US news, but deluded misinfo like this makes me believe that idea is bullshit.
There’s been lots of mainstream reporting on the corruption allegations and the Senate/Congress hearing where the FBI chief kept on repeating the same evasive non-answers I mentioned were livestreamed. Can provide some sources once I’m back at home, though, if requested.
I’m usually not in a debating mood when people just start calling me a liar though. I’m not even in favor of republicans/centrists and I consider myself an anarchist more than anything else so I’m not really into partisanship here. 🤷♂️
I’m perfectly fine with people having different opinions and arriving at different conclusions but just calling me a liar when I can back up my claims is no good style.
Key concept: ignore allegations and only follow convictions. Then you’ll see most accusations are bullshit/projection from those committing the crimes. Hint: nearly all true convictions/guilty pleas are from the R side.
I never said you were a liar. I just said you were wrong.
It hurts the petro dollar? Oh no!
Republicans and Democrats are both part of a disfunction machine.
And alot of people are naive to how raw and evil life can be.
I lean left more than right but I don’t want to support either side. It’s all power games and greed… Just look at BLM (the organization not the idea) and maga. They are great examples. Both corrupted organizations.
We shouldn’t be picking sides anymore… We should be living to our independent potential but we never will because both sides take soul as a trade for an idea of false security in a world where no man or organization can control universal law but they keep killing to try to.
Remember when a certain senator stood before the house with two blank pieces of paper and said most democrats supported Russia?
Remember when a certain republican said that Russia was the biggest geopolitical threat facing America and all the Democrats laughed at him?
I actually don’t remember that, who was it?
Magic underwear man
Romney, everyone laughed and said it’s not the Cold War era anymore. Little did they know he was 100% correct seeing how Russia had already invaded Georgia a few years prior
Russia invaded Georgia? People laughed? Am I under a rock?
Edit: oh, the country, not the state
Have you seen that video where Xi Jinping and Putin shake hands and basically announce that they intend to upend the existing global order, meaning US “rules based” hegemony?
Russia itself isn’t a threat but so far it’s brought together China, Iran and parts of Africa that are done with US colonization and living under the US’ boot.
China has its own imperial ambitions in Africa. There’s no good super power, but at the end of the day, Russia was the one that invaded Ukraine. No amount of RT propaganda will change that.
Of course they do. Just because I’m critical of the West I’m not automatically in favor of other autocratic regimes. But it’s been a long time since I’ve seen that many African leaders standing up to their Western oppressors and that wouldn’t happen if the Chinese/Russians and their deals would be as terrible for Africans as the Western ones. They’re openly challenging the West right now and it’s about time that happened.
I trust that China/Russia are more trustworthy in terms of letting other countries decide their own fate without engaging in regime change/color revolution style interference just based on historical precedence so far.
Ask Taiwan or Ukraine if they think their neighbors respect them.
What’s good for the EU is an autonomous Ukraine that keeps growing the grain they buy. What’s good for Ukraine is their autonomy.
70 people admit they should be investigated for high treason
So you believe that Ukraine is a puppet state of the US?
What a shit take
The guy before me used the word treason. How do you interpret that?
As serving Russian interests, what kind of connection do they have to the Russian state if they so brazenly vote for the wishes of Putin?
That is a new definition of treason for me, but okay call it what you want.
Is a cooperation on space travel also treason?
That’s a false equivalence, this isn’t exactly cooperation towards a mutually beneficial goal, this is just trying to reduce support for a country which by sheer coincidence is an enemy of Putin.
It follows rather directly. For it to be high treason to be against sending more military resources to Ukraine would mean that either the representatives are members of the Ukrainian government or, as was implied here, that Ukraine is a puppet state.
It’s not high treason against the USA to be against the USA sending military resources to another country. You can only commit high treason against your own country.
You’re willfully dancing around the actual point OP is making. You can’t be a grown adult and think this concretely without doing so in bad faith.
The point is that opposing this is directly showing support for Russia…
The point is that opposing this is directly showing support for Russia…
Which guess what: isn’t high treason. If you’ll notice, I havent offered my opinion here or participated elsewhere in the thread.
I was simply pointing out that using the term “high treason” here is rather silly and nonfactual.
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So you aren’t making any argument at all, and are just saying “everyone look at my bold linguistic castle. It is very cromulent.”
You should probably shut your stupid fucking mouth.
Quit acting like the average Redditor, and just be civil and disagree.
Jesus Christ, not the kind of comment I’d expect from a pacifist. You come off real mature
What a psychotic statement.
deleted by creator
Wow. Where the hell did you get that idea?
You say that US citizens (the republican politicians) who do not support Ukraine should be trialed for treason. This implies that Ukraine is a part of the US, doesn’t it?
Womp womp go fuck yourself.
your name is pacifist but you support sending weapons of death and destruction into a conflict where they will be used to kill people? they’re sending fucking clusterbombs dude what is it going to take to convince you people this is not a good thing?
Hey, Ukrainian here. Try to convince me that it’s a bad thing. Russians shelling Ukrainian cities with cluster munitions is okay, but Ukraine fighting back is bad? Russia brought all the deaths and destruction, not Ukraine, or “the west”.
Enjoy your clusterbombs
At least they have ~3% fail rate and will be used against military targets vs russian 30-40% fail rate and used in the cities
Too many of them are beholden to Russia and its interests and have been for some time. Not only that, but also just doing the opposite of whatever Democrats support which isn’t constructive at all.
Republican policies boil down to
- Opposing “the commies”;
- Guns.
Wait. How did they end up in bed with Russia?
You forgot “anti-woke”
But I said opposing th—
AH, you’re right.
Oh man they are definitely on the same wave with Russian government on this one. Just yesterday Russia banned all and any gender transition therapy/surgery. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone particular started pushing for similar stuff in the US.
Russia isn’t communist.
The “opposing the commies” bit used to be an anti-authoritarian stance. But now republicans have openly embraced autocracy as political language. It makes perfect sense from that angle.
Sure it is constructive. The billionaires’ main goal is to DDos the system and limit time and resources devoted to legitimate legislation. The goal is to keep the US extremely under legislated so their corrupt loopholes stay open. The nonsense is irrelevant. The time it takes to deal with the nonsense is all that maters.
Great! Surely they’ll cut funding to the US military too, right?
Nope. From an article about the debt ceiling bill that resumed student loan payments in June: “Some $886 billion will be spent on defense, according to the bill text.”
That’s an increase after a $858 billion defense bill passed in december
Biden’s student loan forgiveness only would have cost $400 billion, but spending almost $2 trillion per year on ending people’s lives is more important.
70 house Republicans spread their cheeks for putin
I can’t tell which is which anymore.
Just kiddin’, I know what is happening. Republicans are losing control over their own party, this is good news for the next president election, the world is doomed if anyone like deSantis ends up becoming emperor.
I never understood the democrats who want DeSantis to win the republican primary.
Trump is a con man trying to be a fascist. Not good, very bad, but also not an actual fascist.
Ron is a straight up fascist that has no problem with torturing people with his own hands.
I want neither. I also want different democrats as well, but this will be another election of shit vs crap again by the early looks of it.
Lol at u hidin your power level itt.
Every time I see a picture of Matt Gaetz, I believe more and more that he truly is Butthead in the flesh. Now to decide which republican most favors Bevis.
MGT 100%
Who wants to bet they got Russian money in their pockets?
Is that Jack Nicholson?
Wonder how the pro Ukrainian conservatives will think about their own party. Probably won’t change anything but it must put just a little doubt in their mind
…the American people will see who wants to represent them, and who wants to represent
CrimeaPutin.FTFY bro
Good. Hopefully 200dems can join them.