No it means that Shrek is biblical canon
donkey doesn’t tie into any fairytales
The donkey, therefore, was brought up and grew bigger, and his ears grew up beautifully high and straight. He was, however, of a merry disposition, jumped about, played and had especial pleasure in music, so that he went to a celebrated musician and said, “Teach me thine art, that I may play the lute as well as thou dost.” (The Donkey by the Brothers Grimm)
It costs $0 to lie on the internet, reminder.
TBF, I wouldn’t put it past a 4Chan OP to be ignorant either
You know, this did tickle my curiosity, cause I also did not know what fairy tale Donkey was supposed to be from, and I’ve heard that he wasn’t from any fairytale in the past too. Thank you for this, I have a copy of Grimm’s Fairy Tales at home, I’ll need to check this story out when I get back.
yay! i love the brothers grimm
It costs $0 to lie on the internet, reminder.
Oh, no, no, no.
It’s the opposite.
It’s gives “you” monies to lie on the inter of webs (well, it can give you money, but some go for glory too & let the megacorps get the gold pile). Every shitty thing is monetized.Thats why we lemmy over here.
wiktionary dot com slash grift
I still like the theory that Donkey is a Lost Boy escaped from Treasure Island before the full transformation took over and he lost his voice.
So the little boy fucked a dragon?
I suppose its not much more fucked up than interspecies donkey/dragon coitus, but still.
We don’t really know how old Donkey is, he may very well have ‘grown up’ by then.
But yeah; basically a human cosplaying as a donkey (with the help of some magic) fucked a dragon…
Eh, no worse than the original ending of It
A fellow Theorist, eh?
Good to see you. :)
Shrek’s based on a book with a plot structure only vaguely resembling the movie, but sharing an identical moral message. Donkey and shrek are in the book, so donkey and shrek are in the movie. I don’t think it went past that.
Why was Donkey in the book, then, smart fella?
Because the author drew them
Oh okay. No further questions.
You must be fun at parties
Not particularly, but I’m the only one that brings narcan, so they keep me around
Narcan, a live saver for any party
If you need shrek to tell you the bible is a fairy tale then brother I have news for you
Fine. I need you to prove that the universe wasn’t created in 7 days and that ribs don’t spontaneously turn into women. (Talking, burning bushes are totally a thing though. I have seen one.)
Edit: Didn’t express the /s enough I suppose. Flipping the burden of truth is all too common in some very strange discussions I have had in the past.
Always was 🧑🚀🔫🧑🚀
The Bible and Shrek are both human mythology. Stories we’ve created, learned, and lived that encapsulate aspects of the lived human experience.
Yeah but one of them is a good moral example and the other is the bible.
one is a good moral example and the other is a medieval sex guide
the brothers grimm literally has a story about a talking donkey anon is a filthy filthy liar
Plenty of donkeys in Aesop’s fables, too, if those count.
I think it’s origin is actually the same as Shrek and Fiona. In the book “Shrek!” there is a donkey that accompanies Shrek to a castle where he meets a princess uglier than him.
Source: Wikipedia
Is that the official render of Donkey? That’s fucking terrifying.
Ok, but I want to see sacred texts where a donkey and a dragon get it on, detailed descriptions, not how the movies just skipped that part.
The internet has… supplemented the missing part, I’m certain.
It has, and it showed us the story in many multiverses. We are so blessed that we have internet & I don’t have to go to the local library & look at furry scrolls.
I recall it being pretty descriptive with the foreplay in the film
Slow down, baby, please. I believe it’s healthy to get to know someone over a long perriod of time. Just call me old-fashioned. {Laughs} -I don’t want to rush into a physical relationship. I’m not emotionally ready for a commitment of, uh, this - - Magnitude really is the word I’m looking for. Magnitude- - Hey, that is unwanted physical contact. Hey, what are you doing? Okay, okay. Let’s just back up a little and take this one step at a time. We really should get to know each other first as friends or pen pals. I’m on the road a lot, but I just love receiving cards - - I’d really love to stay, but - - Don’t do that! That’s my tail! That’s my personal tail. You’re gonna tear it off. I don’t give permission - - What are you gonna do with that? Hey, now. No way. No! No! No, no! No. No, no, no. No! Oh! {Growls} {Roaring} {Gasps} -Hi, Princess! -It talks! -Yeah, it’s getting him to shut up that’s the trick.
If you needed signs from others to figure out that the bible is full of shit, you can’t think for yourself. I told my mom I didn’t think the story of Jesus was plausible at age 8.
Why isn’t it plausible
Virgin Birth? Walked on Water? Caused a demon to leave a person’s body and go out into a bunch of feral hogs that he then sent over the side of a cliff with a few words? Raised a guy from the dead? Raised himself from the dead? Caused his followers to speak every language by touching them with ghost powers?
I would consider all of these events individually implausible, just for starters.
Oh maybe my DnD deities weren’t crazy enough
Yeah the deep lore for a lot of real-world religions is WILD
I would consider all of these events individually implausible, just for starters.
If they were plausible, then there wouldn’t be a religion surrounding the guy.
Its just not