And letting a thin-skinned, Ketamine-fueled, video-game cheating, Nazi apologist billionaire take over the machinery of the United States is not something that anyone voted for.
Hitler (speed addict) was actually in charge. In this case, the speed addict has given the reins over to the guy taking shit that makes you hallucinate.
mother jones throwin hands.
That’s the important part. We have an adderall addict and a ketamine addict running our government.
Maybe we just need to convert the white house into a wellness farm so they can be reparented.
So, literally Hitler
Hitler (speed addict) was actually in charge. In this case, the speed addict has given the reins over to the guy taking shit that makes you hallucinate.
This really isn’t the important part though… I would say their beliefs and their actions are far more important.
I assure you that some people did in fact vote for that.
absolutely. I know some of the more virulent ones. “rocket man good”
Wonder what they’ll think the minute they get ruined by something he does.
Nothing that shows any self-reflection
It will be “I didn’t vote for THIS!?”
Then, if we even still have elections, they’ll vote for Republicans again.
Not enough IMO, he’s no apologist after that Nazi Salute he did
the line between nazi apologist and nazi is there isn’t one.
The best part is every one of those adjectives is also a hyperlink.
I hate how ketamine is always catching strays over this idiot’s behavior…