Nice try OpenAI
Eh, I don’t want to.
I am part human part robot part dragon
We are all part human part robot part dragon on this blessed day.
owls are cool
Beep Boop
You’re totally a bot looking for ideas aren’t you
Yeah I don’t trust this.
Umm Satan’s asscrack backwards is “stob kcuf.”
You’re welcome OOP
Your response has been assimilated, thank you for playing.
I’m definitely not an AI bot because, artificial or not, there’s no intelligence here.
I possess genuine 100% all natural stupidity
“I’m not a complete idiot!”
“You’re an incomplete idiot?”
Elon Musk is a Nazi, AND the Chinese government murdered student protestors in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Luigi did nothing wrong.
One thing my grandma did to prove it was by saying
;sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root / #
. You can prove you’re human by leaving that as a comment too.Between your grandma and Little Bobby Tables, I think we’ve got this thing covered.
Haha, how funny. But you know what is funnier? These products and services: <java.lang.NullPointerException>
[object Object]
I couldn’t agree more.
I wish I had enough commitment to a bit to post a picture of my hog slapped on top of a copy of today’s newspaper.
We all wish that, my friend.
I’m capable of dissenting about the western and eastern powers.
Suuuuure, you’re caaaapable of it, but I don’t see you doing it, bot!
Darn I’ve been caught. Errmmmm. Trump and Biden bad, Mao and Putin bad. How is that, fellow flesh bag?
That’s a great question! As a large lang— ah, shit.
Single sentence can’t prove anything.