Corsair has acquired Drop, an online retailer known for its mechanical keyboards and keyboard accessories. Drop will continue to operate independently under the leadership of CEO Jef Holove. Corsair hopes to expand Drops brand globally through its supply chain and distribution network. Drop intends to continue its enthusiast-led product development approach and collaborate with community favorites. While Corsair also produces mechanical keyboards, they target a different market focusing on gaming performance rather than typing feel. The acquisition is similar to Corsair’s previous deals where the acquired company continues to operate independently
Any other mechanical keyboard fans? Whatcha main driver these days
Drop will continue to operate independently
In the case of an acquisition, this sentence always has an implied “for a little while” at the end of it.
It hurts hearing them referred to as a “mechanical keyboard specialist.”
DAE remember Massdrop? lol. Also wonder what this means for their audiophile line?
I remember Massdrop
Pretty much around the name change I stopped going over there
I loved it when it was Massdrop and they had more communities like EDC and stuff.
Sad there isn’t an alternative to it :/
That’s exactly why I finally pulled the trigger on the 6XX. It’s already on sale but even if it wasn’t it’s still over $100 cheaper than the reg 650’s.
Goodbye Drop, nice knowing you.
Watch Corsair add maximum rainbow unicorn vomit while cutting every cost and quality aspect they can. Independent my arse.
If Corsair lying about the quality of their RAM is representative of their general attitude towards critical computer components, I would hate to see how much they butcher keyboards.
I find they have a pretty nice stock of GWERTY keyboards.
Probably one of the many things eventually on the chopping block.
I’ve always known Drop for their audio sales and products, I hope they continue to collaborate with audio brands in the future. The Sennheiser/Drop HD58x is one of my favorites, it was hard to beat for the price when I bought them.
Not a huge fan of the news but with MK vendors sinking left and right this move didn’t surprise me, at least considering Drop’s current inventory and target audience.
Currently using Oxymoron at the office and Vault45 at home.
I know Mechanical keyboards are absolute fanatics, but at a certain point there’s not much room in a niche product space like that.
Tbf most of the recent one went down due to financial ineptitude (looking at you, Mechs & Co) more than market saturation.
One thing that contributes to this failing is the vendors major income coming from group buys. Unfortunately, there does not seems to be an alternative to this system just yet unless the vendor starts with substantial capital that can cover the book during downtime.
Unrelated to the artical, but years ago I bought a Corsair k95 and got a box of them (4x). Gave away 2 of them but I still have one new in box if mine ever gives out.
Maybe good news for those of us in Europe
It’s a jump from a standard keyboard, but I just love the glove80.
Damn. Currently running with a Keytron K8 but Drop was high on my consideration list for my next buy.
So far Corsair hasn’t let me down. I’m sure someday they will, but everything I’ve gotten from them has been good quality, but maybe it’s gone down hill since I haven’t had to get any parts in the last few years.
I’m more against their business practices regarding patents. They are singlehandedly the reason why backpaddles on controllers aren’t more common.
oh god fucking damnit
oh god fucking damnit
Unrelated to the artical, but years ago I bought a Corsair k95 and got a box of them (4x). Gave away 2 of them but I still have one new in box if mine ever gives out.