America has always stripped the land of its original Indigenous names. It’s had surprising climate implications.
Give me a fucking break. It’s about shitting on native (i.e., non-white) people.
This^ Elevating a white dude, who never went there and had no connections to the region, over a native place name with actual history and meaning.
Inverted DEI.
Bonus: It also offends my sensibility of naming things after people who were still alive at the time. McKinley wasn’t assassinated until 1901.
Or in other words, Trump is a little snowflake.
No, it’s about restoring the history of White America to White supremacist Americans. They aren’t thinking of indigenous people at all.
It’s about hurting people. MAGA has a hardon for cruelty. After years of being made to feel stupid (intellectual elites), ignorant (woke), backwards (progressives) their resentment has festered into a burning hatred. They want to see people hurt. They voted against their own self-interest and the future of their children and the country in exchange for the daily televised blood sport of Trump’s campaign of revenge.