A European Parliament member claimed that the U.S. gave Europe three weeks to agree on Ukraine’s “surrender” terms or risk an American withdrawal from Europe.
Mika Aaltola made the claim on X, but provided no evidence. NBC News reported that Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth suggested a U.S. troop reduction in Europe.
Trump reportedly plans to cut 20,000 troops and demand greater NATO contributions. He has pushed for higher NATO defense spending.
Trump may meet with Putin soon, believing Russia holds the upper hand in negotiations.
We need regime change in the USA. The global community should work together for this endeavor.
The European NATO members should tell the AmeriKans they have 3 weeks to shutdown all their military bases until Jan 2029.
Nah. Keep them closed forever. We dont need the traitor alliance
And keep them shut if fair elections are not allowed to be carried out by their reality tv star dictator.
Trump is gambling with monopoly money.
He put all his money on red.
But Europe is playing poker.
Being an American that feels like they no longer have a home, I would like Europe to unleash holy hell upon the US. Do not let this fascicle president dictate what you do for your continent. You were fine before we took over swaths of your countries for their bases, you can be the strong leaders that the West need to fight everything that’s going on in your vicinity with Russia, North Korea, and any other rogue nation. I hate to say it, but the US is a part of that sentence as well. The US will not protect you anymore, I have absolutely no faith that the US will step up when you need them the most. Protect yourselves.
Never seen this word before and in my head I just read “foshizzle”
Europe countries do not have the power to “unleash holy hell upon the US.”
France’s thermonuclear arsenal says hello.
Not really what we want to do though, surely.
That you?
And I give trump three weeks to vacate the white House and the presidency.
Or what?
Trump doesn’t have the authority to dictate the foreign policy of other countries making his statement just as empty and meaningless as mine.
Are you suggesting the US hasn’t been dictating the foreign policy of any country in history? That’s a wild statement.
What would be the purpose of US support in Europe if not defending against Russia?
The US presence in Europe exists to facilitate US power projection, if we are not stopping Russian advancement then there is no reason for host countries to allow US bases in their territory.
Cleary its time for Europe to round up, cage up, and deport all Americans and put a wall around Europe. And America will be made to pay for it.
If its a good enough policy for mexican and central american countries’ citizens then its a good enough policy for American citizens. They have no right to flee their own collapsing country into Europe, bringing their failed philosophies and neglected personal health with them. Doubly so if they are poorly educated. Many of them are probably servants of Putin and his terrorism, thus terrorists themselves.
Lets try that one on for size. Doesnt feel very good does it, my fellow Americans.
I think most americans simply feel like they are losing stuff theyve had for a long time, never considering whether they should have had it to begin with.
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You’re assuming they didn’t help bring this about in the first place.
Only to protect the interests of capital though. If you’re a popular black guy talking about economic distribution then you’re cooked, but increasing the wealth from the middle-class to the rich and killing the opposition is what the CIA is for.
If any European country bows down to Donald, I’ll boycott it for the rest of my life
“If any man dies with a clean sword, I’ll rape his fucking corpse!” - Winston Churchill, 1940.
Hungary and Slovakia for sure. Italy is heading in that direction after Meloni cried about the anti-trump meeting held in Paris.
You can count on Hungary and maybe Slovakia to grovel…like good america/russia first Europeans.
Possibly Serbia too
Serbia is in Europe but not in EU, in this case their opinion (which probably aligns with the Kremlin) doesn’t count
I was already boycotting france because their coffee portions are so small.
Art of the deal. Plan A is to give three weeks to sign off on the surrender. When they refuse, Plan B starts. Plan B is that there is no Plan B.
Call his bluff.
American soft power around the globe relies on having those bases on foreign soil.
Military bases and soldiers are the opposite of soft power
Eh, it’s at least hybrid. Classic hard power is the use of the military. That can include garrisoning but usually by force, not by permission.
If you think about it from position of China being the biggest threat, then only Asian bases and countries matter. That’s why we don’t hear much about Trump doing crazy things in that region.
While Europe is important, it should be able to fend for itself. Also Europe joining China is unlikely in short and mid term. So it make sense to spend less money on Europe and focus on Asia.
Also explains the Russia situation. Although culturally Russia is as European as Sweden and Germany, this war has pushed it closer to China than ever. If the conflict lasts longer, then their alignment would be immenent. Personally I’m surprised that they didn’t align more. China was being surprisingly passive about the whole thing.
Isn’t china already heavily invested/investing in Hungary?
Yes China makes big distinction between US and Europe in its rhetoric. And they are working on pulling Europe from USA, but it’s early days and it will take time. Lots of time.
I think Trump will manage to push Europe into China’s arms well within the next 4 years at the rate he’s going. If Europe can get China to back Ukraine I think that’s all it would take at this time.
I don’t think so. They are culturally too different. Europe will continue to suck American cock for at least couple decades going forward. That’s not to say that economic ties won’t increase in the meantime.
China has announced today it supports the peace talks started by the US and Russia.
china backs whoever is likely on the winning side that benefits them, right now trump is useful to china. also helps if russia weakening as a power as well, china and russia are frenemies at best.
Yes they have nothing to gain from not doing that at the moment.
If I was a Russian agent, and had managed to become the US President, he’s doing EXACTLY what I would to to gut and destroy the US. The Fanta Menace doesn’t even seem to be trying to hide the fact he works for Putin. So how has he not been charges with treason? Signed, Confused Non-US person.
Because the republicans have spent years gutting oversight, and decades making the populace dumber. This is their final putsch to fully gut the government so they can have complete power. And they’ve mostly succeeded already. The people are beyond disengaged from four years of this four years ago, plus Covid, plus struggling to survive in late stage American capitalism. It’s the perfect storm for a fascist takeover. And they’re taking full advantage.
Brilliant use of putsch!
Fanta Menace 🤣
Fucking piece of shit.
Also known as “pig hitler”
Yeah, well we didn’t vote for him. He can keep his lunacy for his subjects.
Pretty sure they didn’t vote for him either.
I’m begging for Americans to do something against Trump. You can’t just let someone who’s so blatantly under Putin’s thumb destroy everything.
Over 50% of the once that went voting voted for trump. If you didnt vote, that was your vote. The vote to not give a fuck but still life with the aftermath
Under 50%, he only got 49% of the vote.
Does that include the ballot images that musk created on his behalf?
We’re not even talking about massive voter suppression.
Do it! I dare you! Fuck of from europe! Take all your companies with you! Dont sell us weapons anymore!
Democracie is none negotiatable and we dont negotiate with terrorist acomplices!
Fuck him. First, he’ll do what we wants regardless of whether you concede to his demands. If we wants to withdraw troops, he’ll withdraw them, no matter what concessions you make to him in hopes of preventing that. Look at his history. Look at how he has treated the other party in Every. Single. One. of the “deals” that he’s made. He fucks them over. NEVER believe he’ll hold up his side of whatever bargain you make. He won’t.
Don’t ever concede to this bully. The more you concede, the more demands he’ll make, like with a blackmailer. Call his bluff. Say, “Sorry, we don’t agree. If that means you’ll withdraw, then don’t let the screen door hit ya where the good lord split ya on the way out.” Bam! End of bullying and if he didn’t want to withdraw, he’ll find some excuse no to go through with it (or probably just lie and say you agreed to do something for him behind the scenes).
Ukraine can’t survive without US assistance.
Maybe not, even probably not, but with Europe’s help it can at least keep fighting for now, with the possibility that something could happen in US or Russia to change the equation in that time. That’s all very uncertain, but what is certain is that if Europe agrees to this Putin/Trump terms of surrender, it’s over for Ukraine immediately. And then other countries will be next.
We don’t know for certain whether other countries will be next or not.
Europe providing more support for Ukraine hoping for a miracle might lead to more suffering for Ukrainians and just more territory losses. That’s a risky bet. It also feels like a half hearted measure. Might be time Europe goes all in it really thinks Russia is an existential threat.
We do know for certain, we know Putin’s plans, he’s not exactly keeping them secret. In this new situation that is more positive for him, he has no reason to suddenly choose not to continue.
I insist that we don’t know for certain what Putin’s plans are. If you are so sure yourself, would you bet your most valuable possession on it?
Besides, if you are so sure of that, isn’t time for European countries to drastically ramp up support for Ukraine and join the war?