The basic problem is that “sustainable” aviation fuels, if based on biofuels, would substantially compete with food production. This limits their scale pretty significantly, so they can’t easily scale up to the levels that the airline industry wants, which means that the cost will remain quite high.

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  • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ
    9 days ago

    My concern with that is that it creates a choice between:

    • feeding airplanes (or cars)
    • feeding humans

    It’s not as obvious with international markets for agriculture inputs and overproduction, but it’s happening right now if you understand how inputs and land work. It’s the same with meat and dairy. This is going to become more obvious if climate chaos (or other problems) create unstable conditions for agriculture, leading to lower yields and the end of decades of overproduction.

    Here’s a documentary like podcast on these topics if you want to get a solid intro to the problems. /u/