Love her or hate her (and my opinions are mixed), I must confess, JK Rowling was a huge influence on why I didn’t become a regular author. No shade on people who get what they paid for, but the young reader crowd is just so gimmicky, and not in a good way, and you see that with a lot of works like Percy Jackson and Twilight (but also predominantly with Rowling’s work). How do you compete in such a no-rules game?
So then let’s talk about one of the cores of the issue. People often have an epiphany when divulging into Harry Potter, and they think “huh, what’s the deal with this if that thing is how it is”. While noting that conflicts in literary analysis don’t always reflect something that doesn’t add up and that it could be a hiccup in details/semantics, the questions themselves don’t go away. And there’s nothing that matches the amount of those having to do with Harry Potter. What example of which strikes you as the most overlooked?
If Rowling herself ever notices that I’m bringing this up, let it be known I do think of her work as a reskinned Brothers Grimm in the universe of The Worst Witch and that I’m collaborating with another author (Samantha Rinne) whose work I would argue deserves Rowling’s prestige if Rowling’s work deserves it. Thanks (and here is where I run for the hills).
The biggest plot hole is how new spells are even made. It seems all spells are pre-existing and they just study how to do them, not the “science” behind how they work.
We get no doses of “wizarding science” showing wizards testing theories for new spells and throughout the books whether you even need a wand or to say a spell out loud seems to be always in flux based on what is useful to the plot.
In other words the world has no internal consistency. There are not firmly set rules to the world of Harry Potter.
She literally made it up as she went along so it all gets pretty confused and stupid pretty fast.
I remember seeing a YouTube video, talking about all the inconsistencies and “broken mechanics” introduced on HP books, and how they are always resolved two books after, because when a book was published the next one was already going so she had to usa the next one to solve wharever problems fan had found.
I see you and I’m gonna try to pass you.
Wait, is that the Driving Crooner?
It’s from a Netflix sketches show called “I think you should leave with Tim Robinson” pretty good, the driving crooner sketch It’s from S03.
Wait, are you the Driving Crooner?
One of them.
Interesting. Link to video?
One of the many reasons why Ursula K. Le Guin’s universes are much more interesting
You might really enjoy reading HPMOR. It’s the best fanfic I’ve ever read. Technically it’s the only fanfic I’ve ever read, but it’s great.
Try five chapters and you’ll live it or give up.
Thanks for this recommendation. Also not a reader of fanfic but have very much enjoyed reading a few chapters.
What’s it about?
Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. It’s a rewrite of book one, but Petunia was disgusted by Vernon, and married a professor of philosophy, IIRC.