Love her or hate her (and my opinions are mixed), I must confess, JK Rowling was a huge influence on why I didn’t become a regular author. No shade on people who get what they paid for, but the young reader crowd is just so gimmicky, and not in a good way, and you see that with a lot of works like Percy Jackson and Twilight (but also predominantly with Rowling’s work). How do you compete in such a no-rules game?
So then let’s talk about one of the cores of the issue. People often have an epiphany when divulging into Harry Potter, and they think “huh, what’s the deal with this if that thing is how it is”. While noting that conflicts in literary analysis don’t always reflect something that doesn’t add up and that it could be a hiccup in details/semantics, the questions themselves don’t go away. And there’s nothing that matches the amount of those having to do with Harry Potter. What example of which strikes you as the most overlooked?
If Rowling herself ever notices that I’m bringing this up, let it be known I do think of her work as a reskinned Brothers Grimm in the universe of The Worst Witch and that I’m collaborating with another author (Samantha Rinne) whose work I would argue deserves Rowling’s prestige if Rowling’s work deserves it. Thanks (and here is where I run for the hills).
JK Rowling just kind of improvised vis a vis the price of things over the series. Ie. in one book a galleon is a fortune where you can afford the entire snack cart and Ron has never seen that kind of money before with his own eyes, but then the next book the school books cost 5 galleons.
To be fair, I have bought textbooks that cost twice what I spend on my weekly grocery bill lol.
Yes but how could Ron never have seen a Galleon in his life and in the next book he has to buy textbooks worth like 40 galleon at the beginning.
You aren’t wrong there. Almost every book had some form of continuity error like that.
deleted by creator
Ron didn’t need to wear Great Aunt Tessie’s dress garments. He could have magicked something snazzier. He wanted to wear Great Aunt Tessie’s wardrobe.
The biggest plot hole is how new spells are even made. It seems all spells are pre-existing and they just study how to do them, not the “science” behind how they work.
We get no doses of “wizarding science” showing wizards testing theories for new spells and throughout the books whether you even need a wand or to say a spell out loud seems to be always in flux based on what is useful to the plot.
In other words the world has no internal consistency. There are not firmly set rules to the world of Harry Potter.
She literally made it up as she went along so it all gets pretty confused and stupid pretty fast.
I remember seeing a YouTube video, talking about all the inconsistencies and “broken mechanics” introduced on HP books, and how they are always resolved two books after, because when a book was published the next one was already going so she had to usa the next one to solve wharever problems fan had found.
I see you and I’m gonna try to pass you.
Wait, is that the Driving Crooner?
It’s from a Netflix sketches show called “I think you should leave with Tim Robinson” pretty good, the driving crooner sketch It’s from S03.
Wait, are you the Driving Crooner?
One of them.
Interesting. Link to video?
You might really enjoy reading HPMOR. It’s the best fanfic I’ve ever read. Technically it’s the only fanfic I’ve ever read, but it’s great.
Try five chapters and you’ll live it or give up.
Thanks for this recommendation. Also not a reader of fanfic but have very much enjoyed reading a few chapters.
What’s it about?
Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. It’s a rewrite of book one, but Petunia was disgusted by Vernon, and married a professor of philosophy, IIRC.
It seems all spells are pre-existing and they just study how to do them, not the “science” behind how they work.
One of the many reasons why Ursula K. Le Guin’s universes are much more interesting
Why doesn’t Hagrid, who is the largest of the characters, simply eat Voldemort?
There’s no fucking way that a kid raised from infancy like Harry was, in a abusive hateful household that treated him like dirt, would have enough strength of character to pull shit like the “Give it here, Malfoy” scene after having been out of the Dursley household for less than a couple weeks. Think about how the Dursleys would have reacted every time young Harry tried to stand up for himself. It would have been nonstop physical and mental abuse, all aimed at making him more subservient. It would take a miracle for a kid like that to be even vaguely functional as a person, and he certainly wouldn’t have the ability to stand up for himself, let alone others.
You’re not entirely wrong but I was a complete misfit and the black sheep of my family. I resisted their attempts to conform and homogenize me.
I think I took a lot of inspiration from the stories I had access to from books, tv, film, and video games.
Harry could read so I wonder if he also had access to books with inspiration characters. Also, what was his school life like?
Harry’s character is larger-than-life strong, but that’s fictional heroes for you.
This one can actually be known, since you’re just talking about human nature. I do think it’s possible to come out of the situation strong willed. He’d need other strong parental figures, such as teachers. It would also require a great amount of resilience, and would no doubt leave with a fair share of mental health issues. But you could totally be emboldened even after a traumatic upbringing like that.
Yeah it’s actually a weak criticism. Such strength of character is rare but there are still many examples in real life. Oprah Winfrey and Drew Barrymore come to my mind right away.
Bad news about Oprah lol
Oprah’s strength of character gave us dr oz and dr Phil. She’s a con artist not a hero.
Props for succeeding in life in spite of childhood abuse tho. Or don’t disapproved people even get that?
If success is fucking over millions of people…sure
Wizards are just built different. In Harry’s case, he comes from a line of wizards that basically stood up to the metaphorical concept of death itself
Shits wack yo
I think having literal magic powers is the key difference. Though I do think he would just end up becoming the bully more realistically.
I mean… He does. Hes a huge bully.
Well, we’ll have to ignore the gaping plot-induced stupidity on display by practically everyone throughout the entire story, because without it the books would have been quite short. So setting that aside, because I’m sure it’s been trampled to death already.
The complete unwillingness for the wizarding world to utilize even basic Muggle technologies and knowledge is absolutely baffling. It’s insinuated that they don’t need Muggle things because they can substitute them with magic which is “equivalent.” This is self-evidently hokum.
These idiots still write with quills, read by candlelight, don’t use the Internet, and despite having literal magic at their disposal their communication systems (such as they are) are laughably inferior to common Muggle ones even in the context of the time period in which the story is supposedly set. Come on. Owls?
Magic users demonstrate basically no understanding of science and are all demonstrably the worse off for it, still having a nearly medieval understanding of how the world works, and rely on magic as a crutch to weakly compensate. This even when it’s obvious to an outside observer that a basic piece of mundane knowledge or technology would be not only easier and significantly less dangerous than whatever the fuck their homegrown solution is, but also more effective. This is treated in supplementary works by Rowling as if it’s a point of pride by wizards and witches who deliberately eschew anything of Muggle origin – even if this means going to great lengths to shoot themselves in the foot simply to maintain that attitude of aloofness, which only serves to underscore the sheer stupidity apparently heavily ingrained into magical culture.
The fact that neither Harry nor none of the other Muggleborn kids are puzzled by this, nor why they apparently deliberately fail to bring so much as a common yellow #2 pencil with them from the mundane world out of sheer habit makes zero sense. (And yes, this is touched upon in the already recommended Methods of Rationality.)
Magical consumer goods are also seriously customer hostile. Who the fuck thought even half of those things were a desirable marketable product? Is there an evil wizard version of Willy Wonka lurking around someplace? Think of all the pocket change a Muggleborn lad could make by bringing a case of jelly beans with him to school to sell to his classmates where you don’t have a one in twenty chance of one of them tasting like earwax. Or chocolates that can’t hop away from you when you aren’t looking. I mean, for fuck’s sake.
And following from the above, everyone is so concerned about the damage to the karma done by the unforgivable spells, or whatever, which is supposedly why nobody goes to all-out war with the Death Eaters. But then no one gets the brain cells together to realize that Voldemort and especially his goons are surely vulnerable to conventional weapons. All anyone has to do is camp in a corner with a shotgun and then call out they-who-must-not-be-named, enticing them to appear to simply get Swiss Cheesed before having clue one what’s going on. Maybe Voldy can’t be truly killed by any form of physical harm, but the entire premise of the story begins with the observation that he can be put to considerable inconvenience, putting him down for quite some time, and thus buy the protagonists plenty of time to figure out his stupid riddles and find all his horcruxes. Then simply drive over whatever’s left of him with a steamroller.
These idiots still write with quills, read by candlelight…
And it’s worth noting—the items they use are still technology! Muggle technology, presumably. They just decided not to advance past a medieval technology level, which is presumably the last time they were actually more advanced than non-magical people.
I think there’s a bit in the first book where Harry says his parents were shot, and Hagrid laughs and says no muggle gun could have killed them.
But like, why not? It’s never explained. I’m sure if they survived being shot, magic medicine would sort them out pretty quickly. But there’s no reassign to think a gun couldn’t kill them. Wizards struggle to react fast enough to block spell s most of the time, and bullets seem to move faster than that.
I think the hardest part would be successfully ambushing Voldy, but no reason to think a gun wouldn’t fuck him up if you can hit him.
I think the hardest part would be successfully ambushing Voldy
He’s not omniscient, is he? In addition to being quite genre-blind, he’s also never demonstrated to have any clairvoyance or inherent extrasensory capabilities other than knowing when his name is spoken, which is presumably some kind of specific enchantment he uses to terrorize people.
A common rifle bullet travels faster than the speed of sound, and if you fired from a concealed location you could absolutely pop him right in the dome well before the sound of the gunshot even made it to him and before anyone knew you were there. All it would take would be a little scouting to research which graveyard he and his groupies are moping around in and anyone could do him from half a mile off with a $99 surplus Mosin-Nagant.
I suppose it’s possible he walks around with a twenty mile wide circle of detection on himself or some horseshit, but given the aforementioned genre-blindness he’s probably got whatever it is tuned to be looking for other magic users or harmful spells and not, e.g., the Bouncing Betty that some clever asshole left right in front of his crypt.
I think there’s a bit in the first book where Harry says his parents were shot, and Hagrid laughs and says no muggle gun could have killed them
No, there’s not. Harry thinks they died in a car crash. He remembers a green light, but he never imagined them getting gunned down on the street. The story doesn’t happen in America, remember?
Yes, you’re right, I think I’ve mixed that up with the mention that Sirius had a gun when he ”killed” Pettigrew. There doesn’t seem to be any mention that guns wouldn’t work on wizards, other than maybe Hagrid’s lack of fear of Vernon Dursley’s gun when he got to Harry.
I think you would have to be really quick with a gun or up against a dumb wizard. There are all sorts of things they can do to distort reality and they don’t even have to aim with their wand for most spells.
You also would want to go for headshots or mag dump into them. They can apparate in like a second and they have next level healing tech if they escape.
I can’t remember if it’s mentioned in the books, but I think the idea is that Muggle technology stops working in the presence of magic. Guns would jam, electronics would brick, etc.
Granted, this raises the question of where do you draw the line? For example, the magical world has countless exploding substances. What if they took some, stuffed it down a long metal tube, insterted a small metal object in front of it, then set fire to the explosive stuff from the back end? That’s basically a gun or cannon, and it’s hard to argue that it’s technologically complex.
That’s really the rub. The notion that magic “knows” what technology is and draws the line at some arbitrary point where it suddenly rearranges the laws of reality around itself so that these devices won’t work specifically in the way that humans expect them to raises the following two horrifying possibilities:
One, whatever force is actually behind magic must be intelligent in and of itself, even if only in a brutish and rudimentary way. It would take a staggering array of quite specific and tailor-made microspells or localized tweaks in physics to make all types of Muggle technology fail to work consistently. Like, it’s not just enough to say “guns jam.” Does magic physically grab the hammer and stop it from falling? Does it block the firing pin? Does it rearrange the laws of chemistry so that oxidation reactions don’t happen? Does it stick its finger in the end of the barrel like Bugs Bunny?
Or, like, fountain pens. They work via exactly the same mechanism as quill pens, it’s just that they contain their own store of ink. Is there any other reason why a quill would work within Hogwarts but a fountain pen wouldn’t? Here in rational space, no. Absolutely not. So if that’s how it is, there must be something more going on behind the scenes and the fact that these bozos either haven’t noticed or worse, that they have noticed and just don’t care enough to investigate in any way whatsoever is equal parts creepy and infuriating.
So point two, given all of the above the force behind magic is also probably actively malevolent. Who knows what its agenda is keeping wizards locked in a kind of medieval stasis, or if it’s even doing so on purpose or just as a byproduct of its natural function, but either way it’s clearly not working in humanity’s best interest.
(There’s a third option as well, which is that it works this way because the author has such a poor grasp on reality that she thinks that guns/electronics/cars/whatever also work via some kind of “magic” which can thus be disrupted, which is possibly likely but also so stupid it makes my right eyebrow twitch just thinking about it. So we’ll leave it at that.)
I mean this is the same race of people who have babies launched on purpose from high buildings just to see them bounce harmlessly to see if they are magical or not
To be fair, I think that’s to check if their reflexes include unknowingly using magic to protect themselves. That should only work if they’ve perceived the danger, like putting out your hands to stop a fall.
Shooting someone would (if they’re being properly ambushed) usually result in them being shot before they realise it, so it wouldn’t matter if they’re magic.
But if they do realise they’re being shot at, then why defence magic at all? Just use your innate magical reflexes to avoid death!? Why the need to learn how to block spells?
So either guns would work, or they wouldn’t and it’s not explained at all.
Also Hermione slaps Malloy at one point. If his innate defensive magic reflexes didn’t kick in then, no reason to think they would if he was hit with both barrels from a shotgun to the chest.
Eh, I mean, that can re grow bone marrow, tissues, bottle souls, repair physical damage and so on. Worst case they apparate to their hospital
Bullets would be an inconvenience at most
There is zero reason for the wizarding world to have social classes. Allow me to explain.
Although food can’t be created with magic, any graduate of Hogwarts can cast the Herbivicus Charm (I think it’s called) or the Greenhouse Charm to grow plants in moments. There’s also a spell that produces fresh, clean water. They have spells that make the insides of things larger than the outside. Spells that clean dishes. Spells that levitate objects and automatically perform rote tasks.
Every wizard or witch is maybe a month or two of moderate work (at the absolute outside) away from having a private pocket kingdom with crops, furniture, fireplace, teleport pad, beds, clothing, swimming pool, pets, cattle, enchanted kitchen, self cleaning floors, and fucking golf course if they want it.
If they can’t create, craft, grow, or summon something, they can buy it with money taken from an entire world of gullible muggles. Sure, dollars and yen are worthless in Diagon Alley, but you can still buy food and an enormous range of physical comforts with it. And if you absolutely have to spend money in a magical store- muggles still have gold. Even at the extortionate exchange rates that I assume the goblins would charge, the process of turning essentially free cash (in exchange for magic tricks or conjured trinkets) into gold and then into goblin coin is basically nothing but profit. A lot of it.
Which brings me back to social stratification. Why are the Malfoys considered a powerful family? Why do people differ to government functionaries and Dumbledore? Why do witches and wizards run businesses or work at all? Social hierarchy is a result of power imbalances, and other than direct, physical force, there are no power imbalances in the wizarding world. They can take your job, but who cares? You don’t actually need one. They can take your home, but who cares? You can make another in a few weeks (and this time the hot tub will go on the balcony instead of in the backyard).
A wizard does not need anything from society or from other wizards.
I feel like this is explained by the really unclear ideas of the “power level” of wizards. What makes Dumbledore “the most powerful wizard” isn’t ever actually given context.
Oh yeah. Fair.
Yeah, I vaguely remember some sentences mentioning how incompetent some wizards and witches can be.
I always cringe with the 7th book, where the trio is hiding and searching for horkruxes, and for some weird reason they don’t have enough food and are constantly hungry. From the reading perspective I understand, that the hunger is a device to generate conflict and make their time hard to endure, but it always baffles me.
- It is mentioned, that Hermione pulled out all her muggle savings, so why didn’t she think about going to a supermarket and buying all the conserved food (cans and such) she can before they got on the run? She even mentions, that food can be multiplicated, just not created out of nothing.
- When they are hiding they sometimes get to a store or supermarket. But that only brings food for like a few days max. Why not more?
- And when there where too many dementors in an area to get more food, why not going really far away. We know Hermione was at least one time in France with her parents. Why not going there? Probably the war-like situation was not spread over the complete world that seriously. At least we are not hearing any of that in the books (JKR probably didn’t even thing much about international things when writing this)
Doesn’t Hermione also have a basically infinite bag of holding? It really doesn’t make sense
She does! She could have emptied multiple supermarkets, but nah, who needs food if you have books to read. Everytime I really doubt, that Hermione wouldn’t think of stocking food in her bag. So much conflict, so easily preventible…
I don’t know if it’s a plot hole per se, but when do they learn maths and science? If they’ at Hogwarts for 7 years, and they only learn magic, when exactly do they learn the usual subjects? Are they just stupid because they don’t learn them?
I think like the vast majority of them are just dumb and some are like savants. Everyone other than like a couple people in the book are just copying magic routinely. Only Snape and a few other characters are cooking up any new magic theory.
They don’t. That’s all considered Muggle stuff that they don’t need to know because they can just magic their way through life.
That would explain a lot of the nonsense in their society
While I think that can be explained away with the idea that the magic is so OP they don’t actually need to know science. To use the Rowlings own tidbit as an example, why bother with toilets when you can simply magic away your shit.
And that also leads to what IMO is the biggest plot point nobody really thinks about. That there’s a secret society of magic users who almost exclusively use magic, and the “muggle” society has no idea of its existence.
Think about all the things we’ve discovered. Electromagnetism is pretty much magic, we figured that out. Atoms are pretty much magic, not only did we figure out atoms we figured out what atoms consist of. Einstein predicted black holes, something so out there that even Einstein doubted his prediction, we later discovered and modeled it. We can literally come up with absolutely insane ideas and then come up with ways to prove or disprove those ideas. There’s no chance we wouldn’t figure out the existence of magic and a secret society if we saw glimpses of something that makes us go “hmm, that’s interesting”.
You could argue that they use magic to hide magic from us, but they’d have to know about what we are doing to make sure we don’t accidentally stumble into discovering magic. But Arthur Weasley makes it pretty clear wizards don’t understand how our world works. They don’t know what we’re doing so their secret society is literally at the mercy of us not just noticing it.
So the secret of society pretty much exists on the premise that we’re too stupid to figure out Magic, but smart enough to create the society we have.
Not defending anything in particular. But at least in the books themselves it is explicit that magic is not a thing to figure out. You’re either born capable of accessing magic or you aren’t. A muggle can’t reason their way into acquiring magic. The book’s entire universe is based on the divide between those forced to exist within the confines of natural laws (muggles) and those capable of bending and breaking said rules to basically achieve whatever (wizards).
I’m fine with that. I’m not saying we should be able to “aquire” magic. I’m saying we’re somehow incapable of even acknowledging its existence. If muggles can’t perceive magic then what’s the point of keeping it a secret.
Obviously that’s not true because not only could Dursleys see magic but it was used on them, thus magic is observable and muggles would be trying to harness it because they wouldn’t know they can’t.
So it also somewhat makes sense why they’d have a secret society. But to keep it a secret you need know what the muggles are up to so they wouldn’t discover your secret. You need something like an intelligence agency to keep track of muggles and intervene if they get close to the secret.
But you don’t know how the muggle world works, so you don’t know what the muggles are doing which means you can’t intervene if they start to discover magic. If you can’t prevent them from discovering magic why haven’t they discovered magic?
That agency exists. It was Ron’s dad entire job description.
That’s exactly my point. It was his job to know and he barely knew anything. If there was someone trying to verify the existence of magic Ron’s dad wouldn’t be able to do anything about it because he wouldn’t even understand what that person is doing.
I think it is sort of like the CIA, just because they have power it out rules any need for reason. They just obliviate everyone indiscriminately.
Isn’t there a class named ‘Arithmancy’? I always assumed it’s math for wizardkind.
I just had a look about it and it doesn’t seem to really be much maths. It seems that it’s more about magic in numbers rather than actual maths. I only glanced at it so maybe I’m wrong.
Small scale: The lack of constant mean pranks. You can’t tell me that shitbag kids aren’t polyjuicing everyone into dogs and donkeys 20 times a day, and thats the PG version. Ain’t no way dudes aren’t making their dicks 30 feet long for fun.
Large Scale: Wizarding culture is tremendously trite, shallow, and terrible. They are the worst of humanity with super powers, all because of …genetics? It’s still super privledge eugenics at the end of the day, and Voldemort is just making daylight decisions about everything that the non-DeathEaters blithly comply with every single day.
I always thought of the polyjuice to be a restricted substance, that you can’t easily buy. And making it yourself is not easy and takes like 2 months. That would severily limit the cases. I mean, like how often do school kids in our world put drugs in food or drinks of their classmates? I’m sure there are some cases, but probably nothing wide spread
It indeed is restricted. They had to go through a lot of trouble to brew a batch
You KNOW there’s a brothel that constantly brews polyjuice. Bring in a hair from the person you’re attracted to, and have sex with (someone who looks exactly like) them!
You can even obliviate the polyjuice’d person afterwards and leave no evidence behind. Consent in the wizarding world is beyond fucked.
YOU get it. These people are depraved, lack ethics and morals, and feel owed their every whim and desire. It can easily get into a realm of stuff that’s horrific and permissive of the worst sociopathic impulses.
Harry Potter meets Cyberpunk 2077
Why would owl post even exist when you have magic? Clearly just ambiance. Makes no sense.
How many millions of muggle deaths are on the hands of wizards who could have trivially healed them but didn’t? Why does no one seem to care about that? Especially the muggle borns.
Maybe the owls are a thing of the past for legal correspondence. Kind of like how we still get mail with the internet and some places still use fax for certain things.
If you created a fantasy world where people used faxes for important legal and medical documentation, I would probably say that’s not believable too.
Reality is allowed to be more ridiculous than fiction.
Irrational soft magic system - anything can happen for any reason, so the story doesn’t matter at all.
Why are there socioeconomic classes on a society that can literally create or at least multiply any resources at will?
They clearly state in the books that they cannot create resources at will. The resources need to exist first
Clearly you have not been studying for your OWLS. Focus on Gamp’s transfiguration laws
Life, uhh, finds a way.
Not really a plot hole, but a missed opportunity. Dumbledore’s Phoenix could have shown up to help Snape - putting Harry in a mindfuck state as he would know both that Snape killed him and that Snape was loyal to him.
I don’t get it. I haven’t read the books, only seen the movies, but as far as I could tell, there’s absolutely nothing special about Harry. He gets swept along, and he has himself no particular virtue to be extolled.
That’s literally what makes it a fucking Tory wet dream. This gets missed on a lot of American readers.
A uniquely special boy (gotta be a boy, this ain’t for girls!) from birth, he did nothing to achieve that specialness. Somehow, despite being an orphan, he is actually absurdly rich. Everyone knows of him even though he has done exactly nothing himself to justify it. He is somehow destined for greatness despite being a fucking fumbling, middling wizard. He will be the “hero” by banishing “evil” from the world because everything is in black and white and evil people are always evil and good people are always good and never the twain shall meet. There are never broken people who make mistakes, no, just good or evil.
A boy after Boris Johnson’s own heart.
This is why I prefer Star Trek over Star Wars. Characters in Star Trek, by and large, work their asses off for what they think is right.
Star Wars, you are born a Lord or a peasant and basically accept your lot.
This is a good read that talks about it
I actually never got the impression he was rich from the movies. All Hagrid really says is “You dinne think they’d leave ya with nothing?” And they show a pile of coins.
To a child with almost nothing but some school expenses who lived on handmedowns, he might feel rich but he didn’t rush out and replace his broom himself when it broke each time.
His parents also weren’t old or particularly famous outside their role in Voldy’s death, so I don’t know where the richest could have come from outside his Father’s family.
Also… Does Gringots do interest? I assume not because it’s literally a vault.
And the first thing he does with that money is buying all the candy and treats on the train, so none of the other kids can have any, even though he’ll have to throw away 95%
When he said “we’ll take the lot,” I thought that meant “some of each kind,” not “all of each kind.”
Not sure about the boy comment. Rowling is a TERF, but that also means that she’s a feminist. Also she didn’t put her first name to the series because she had previously struggled to get her writing taken seriously when the publishers knew she was a woman.
It’s easier explained that this is a book series aimed at preteens, not hard fantasy fans. They got insanely popular because they captured people’s imagination but she wasn’t trying to world build like Tolkien.
TERF is to feminism as modern liberal is to socialism. They only agree on certain topics by accident.