I can’t see how we are not at the beginning of end stage capitalism one way or another. I don’t know what it will look like, but either a lot of it is going to come crumbling down, or the mega corporations are going to get even bigger and somehow control even more.
I think this video should be posted whenever Steven Crowder is mentioned.
Yikes. I have so many thoughts at this.
How the hell did someone get this footage? This looks like their house.
I feel sorry for that woman but also she made the choice to marry known piece of shit Steven Crowder so this is at least partially due to her poor choices.
As always, I feel an overwhelming urge to punch Steven in the face.
The woman in the video released the footage, to help her case against him.
we’re seeing a leopard eat a face in real time, here
same, he needs a short, sharp, shock. Right to the head. I would also settle for a swift kick in his ass.
I believe it came out during his divorce hearings.
Holy shit. Dude is acting exactly like my ex-wife.
Haha, this guy’s ex-wife is Steven Crowder.