seriously, is she a bot? how is she not permanently banned for spamming the same message over and over? what’s her deal?

    8 hours ago

    A scam center, fraud factory, fraud park, scam factory or scam compound is a collection of large fraud organizations usually involved in human trafficking operations, generally found in Southeast Asia and usually operated by a criminal gang. Scam center operators lure foreign nationals to scam hubs, where they are forced into modern slavery, to scam internet users around the world into fraudulently buying cryptocurrencies or withdrawing cash via social media and online dating apps.

  • 🎨 Elaine Cortez 🇨🇦
    15 hours ago

    I think it’s likely to be a pig-butchering scam. Essentially, it’s a catfish who lulls people into a false sense of security using stolen photos, and once that has worked, they try to scam them. I’ve received 3 Nicole messages, each one with a different photo, and because the photos are blurry, along with TinEye and Google Reverse Image Search failing to detect them, I believe the photos are actually stills from a video, which would explain how they’ve evaded detection. It’s also possible the photos were just photos that got deleted long ago, and the catfish is using this to their advantage since deleted photos would not get detected.

    On one of the Nicole accounts was a photo of a buttplug, and in that photo, an old white man was visible in the reflection. Once this was pointed out to “Nicole”, the photo was deleted. So whatever their intentions are, they surely can’t be good. Their accounts exist across instances, so it may be difficult to effectively block and ban them.

    17 hours ago

    First, no one knows if the picture is someone connected or a stolen cam footage to use. So we don’t know any identity. Could be automated or could be individually sent out. More important is the question of restrictions of postings in some way. How would one do this before the first attempts by each new user profile? When they first started there were a few other names used, but for whatever reason (ease or maybe enjoying the attention now) Nicole has become the one seen, through various instances that would each have to set up their own ban.

    As for what the point is, that could be asked of so many phishing and spam attempts. Often times they’re so bad that even if you wanted to, the links are incomplete or don’t make sense. Spam calls can be the same way. Usually letting them go to voicemail gets them to hang up before anything is left, but I’ve heard some live and recorded where it doesn’t even get through the spiel. What was the point? Maybe to establish a connection…or maybe just badly planned implementation.

    Anyway, no one knows yet about Nicole, and honestly if it wasn’t just the single name and picture/info, it would all just be part of the constant spam that’s out there. Perhaps “they” hit on a formula to retain recognition, but now just don’t know what to do with it.