The Russian economy is on the brink of collapse, with industrial output falling and major companies initiating large-scale layoffs amid the economic fallout from the war on Ukraine

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Disclaimer: The article linked is from a single source with a single perspective. Make sure to cross-check information against multiple sources to get a comprehensive view on the situation.

    4 天前

    You keep throwing the word “nazi” around quite a lot. Explain what it is, and why Ukraine is ruled by nazis now.

      4 天前

      Banderites are equivalent enough to nazis. Ukrainian nationalists hateful of USSR/Russia fought with Germany during ww2 including administering extermination camps in Ukraine, and brutal massacres of “wrong” ethnic group villages. Stephan Bandera was their PR leader. He was given national hero with holiday status in 2019.

        4 天前

        It was 2010, and it was annulled in 2011. The parliament rejected an attempt to re-commemorate him in 2019.

          4 天前

          74% of Ukrainians have favourable view of him. Public celebrations of his birthday have massive turnout, with Poroshenko and Zelensky having praised him, and supported the “failed recommemeration vote”. You are technically correct afaik.

            3 天前

            Some other EU countries have had their own struggles helping Nazi Germany, and some still have parties that support far-right characters. That doesn’t mean that the countries themselves are led by nazis. Furthermore, as the guy above mentioned, the leadership of Ukraine never followed through to regard this guy as a hero today. However, I find the following quite interesting:

            A poll conducted in early May 2021 by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation together with the Razumkov Centre’s sociological service showed that 32% of citizens considered Bandera’s activity as a historical figure to be positive for Ukraine, as many considered his activity negative; another 21% consider Bandera’s activities as positive as they are negative.

            So, right before Russia invaded Ukraine, people were against this guy. However, as soon as Ukraine’s independence was threatened by the same entity that this guy advocated against, people changed their opinion. The poll was taken immediately after the invasion, which would be a bit of a confounding variable here.

            I chalk it up to socio-economic issues due to the Soviet Union, which led to poor education in many areas of Ukraine. See East Germany, where a majority of people have voted for AfD. Oh, and let’s not forget the overall negative sentiment against Russia after they invaded in 2014.

            Nevertheless, would you argue that invading Ukraine to “denazify” them makes sense in this context? You mentioned atrocities from WW2, but that’s not being done today. Whatever deaths that were happening pre-2022 conflict were due to the Donbas War, which Russia also instigated. What reason would you then have to support Russia in this conflict? It is pretty clear that they are pulling in many arguments to justify their expansionist wishes.

            Don’t get me wrong, I am also of the opinion that the US should gtfo of Europe, but I do not see a reason to excuse whatever Putin’s regime has been doing.

              3 天前

              I chalk it up to socio-economic issues due to the Soviet Union, which led to poor education in many areas of Ukraine.

              I think its the history of hatred fanned by Ukrainian Orthodox Church vs Russia (and their orthodox Church) which happen to have identical interpretations of bible.

              You mentioned atrocities from WW2, but that’s not being done today.

              14000 dead in Donbas from “nazis”. Its not nailing babies to trees by the tongue atrocities, but it still counts.

              pre-2022 conflict were due to the Donbas War, which Russia also instigated.

              Donbas: You nazis suck, we want autonomy.
              Ukraine: You die, terrorist insurgents.
              Russia: Ok we help protect you. Weapons. Advisors.

              I don’t see it as Russia instigating.

              It is pretty clear that they are pulling in many arguments to justify their expansionist wishes.

              Strongly disagree. Peace terms were always reasonable. US puppets that hate ethnic Russians no longer deserve to rule over them, and it is far better for populations if they separate peacefully.

              invading Ukraine to “denazify” them makes sense in this context?

              A return to 2013 Ukrainian rulership is best for Ukraine, even if EU only wants to support the post 2014 nazi rulership to continue antagonizing Russia with terrorism and deprived trade from Russia. EU/IMF did not genuinely want a trade deal with Yanukovych. Just to string him along to fuel CIA protests. Nazis with an EU trade deal while EU isolates itself form Russia and keeps threatening it is not good for anyone, least of which Ukraine puppet control. Continued division and impoverishment of Europe to be manipulated further by US, and who should have a hard time with their schizophrenic support of pro nato nazis and suppression of anti nato nazis. Trump’s master success so far is getting colonies to divide themselves further from Russia, and in case of Canada, from China too.

              In current peace talks, denazification is not a topic. Only demilitarization. Neutrality. Nazis without rabid EU stupidity backing them are less dangerous, and future elections, including banned parties, might return a Yanukovych type, out of anger for what a failure the nazis were.