Meta sneakily introduced “Platform Integrity Attestation API” which basically calls home to see whether the user has a valid license to play.

This means that to run apps user has to have online connection to perform an integrity test. Whether it’s only a test on launch or continues call home like Denuvo-like DRMs is not yet clear. This could also mean that modified headsets could fail to pass this test essentially closing down the device for modifications that could damage “platform integrity”. Not all details are clear yet but this doesn’t look good.

Currently it’s optional and up to app developers to enable it.

    2 years ago

    Thank you for highlighting that. I read it and see the same thing being said.

    Anyone who has one of their headsets already knows of this with the Remote Desktop app (not a Meta developed app, just some third party developer). They suddenly released a new version that required the headset to be connected to the internet for the app to run. It pissed off a lot of the community for good reason. Lots of folk who bought the app legitimately and needed to use it for offline purposes couldn’t anymore.

    Regardless….all this is seems to be Meta making it easier, or giving developers another avenue to implement such measures. Shitty practice in most cases, but not as bad as the title makes it out to be, for sure.

    I’ll be avoiding those apps/games like I already do. I do appreciate that it’s listed in the description because I back out of most apps/games that pull that sort of crap.