There’s a bat too, if you look for it
Image Transcription: Meme
In Unix there is a “man” command and a “cat” command…
[Image of a black dog with a white throat and floppy ears that hang limply, sitting by a bed. Their mouth is downturned and their round, sad eyes look up.]
so why no “dog” command???
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Good human.
You are awesome
`There’s also cowsay
\ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || ||`
Here ya go:
Or just alias CAT to DOG
Don’t forget to also alias tac to god when you do it
Wait til dog learns about ‘man tail’
whats updog??
Livin’ the dream dog, just livin’ the dream. What’s up with yourself?
This joke is for <1% of the world population.
This community is for <1% of the world population.
deleted by creator
Yeah, they’re mostly cat people.
Well, I have no idea what the commands do but I still enjoyed the joke.
Man = manual. Not sure what cat stands for but it prints the content of a file to the terminal (command line).
I believe it stands for concatenate.
Right, I always forget it can do more than just print file contents. Well, not planning on remembering it tomorrow.
cat file1 file2 > file3
=> the contents of bothfile1
concatenating their contents intofile3
I learned it long ago as “catenate”.
checks Google
Yep, seems to fit.
There is also mutt
Well there is
What’s zupdog?
Nm, u?
And no
commandalias woman=man
Equal rights
aren’t there dns related commands called dog and doggo
Everyone asks
but no one askswhois a good boy
Are you thinking of the Dig commands?