what is the best horror game you’ve played ? I’ve played a fair few over the years , I’m really enjoying the latest LAYERS OF FEAR
what is the best horror game you’ve played ? I’ve played a fair few over the years , I’m really enjoying the latest LAYERS OF FEAR
Maybe a bit too old school but “Eternal Darkness; Sanity’s Requiem”. Surprisingly good (entertaining) voice acting and writing!
I’ve had an eBay alert set up for this one for ages.
I really just need to give up and emulate it already.
Is it crazy to keep hoping for a remaster? :')
It was fantastic setting up dolphin and playing it with upgraded visuals. One of my favorite games ever made.
I came here to say that. I loved that game, the sanity effects were brilliant and have never really been done properly since that I know of.
That’s right! The sanity effects were so well tailored to that era of CRT TVs and the type of game crash errors one could get from a corrupted c save file. I would absolutely love to see a modern horror game give this kind of effect a serious shot.
May the rats eat your eyes, good sir.
Replayed a chunk of it last year and it’s still super atmospheric and very spooky. Very fun.
That specific line reading is fully iconic, you hear it once and you remember it forever!