I am trying to get my own custom domain. However for my name with all the major tlds such as .com .net .io and such, @firstnamelastname.tld and @lastname.tld are taken. I don’t want to have a less trusted tld such as .xyz and would rather stick with the popular ones. Only my first name without the .com tld is not taken, so @firstname.io or @firstname.net for example.
I was thinking I could potentially do lastname-mail@firstname.io/net or something of that sort and I think it looks pretty decent. What are your thoughts?
What was frustrating about it
Quite a lot of websites don’t like the idea of illegitimate email providers, which led to distributed inboxes which, frankly, can be solved with simple solutions but wasn’t really that ideal.
I’m not them, but I’d assume if it’s a common enough name people probably fill it in on unsavory sites that they don’t want to register to with a legitimate email.
They could solve that with a subdomain.