Imperialism and illicit drugs commonly go together. However, with Taliban opium eradication efforts in full effect, heroin is in short supply, and experts fear that a new fentanyl crisis could be brewing in the US.
I don’t think so. That whole website is premised on an elementary logical fallacy. Just because a news source is left- or right-leaning doesn’t make it inherently less trustworthy than a “centrist” one, in fact all you’ve done is introduce your own untrustworthy ideological bias into the judgement criteria by proactively dismissing anyone who doesn’t align with your definition of centrism.
We need a bot for this. Synopsis should be added to the tldr-bot or something.
I don’t think so. That whole website is premised on an elementary logical fallacy. Just because a news source is left- or right-leaning doesn’t make it inherently less trustworthy than a “centrist” one, in fact all you’ve done is introduce your own untrustworthy ideological bias into the judgement criteria by proactively dismissing anyone who doesn’t align with your definition of centrism.
it’s just a test of how much the position agrees with the people running the website haha
there’s no such thing as “bias-free” propaganda, and propaganda isn’t inherently subversive
why? read the article, and if you can’t tell the bias that’s on you.
ya know, I’ve looked into it. one of the biggest problems with bots is that they have to be hosted from somewhere. that’s my first hiccup.
I’d LOVE to make this a bot, but I don’t know where I’d host it from.
You can get a cheap VPS with a couple cores and some RAM for less than $5.
can I run it from inside a docker container?
The project has a dockerfile to create the Docker image with the required LAMP stack and python dependencies.
Oracle Free Tier - 4 CPU, 24 GB RAM.
Seriously? That’s awesome
Learn to read. If you can’t be assed to actually read the article you’re commenting on then go back to le 100 wholesome keanu reddit.