And they are all correct.
Me when cat:
And then there is this cat raised by pitbulls:
Little dude is like cat Chuck Norris or whoever is THE guy right now, lol
I’ve seen this meme like a dozen times and I barely noticed the sunglasses
I tell my cat she’s the center of the universe. Since space-time wraps around on itself, the known universe doesn’t have a defined center and any point in space can be considered its center. She knows she’s the center of the universe.
Apparently they also think that humans are particularly large and somewhat useless cats
Well, are they wrong?
Thats not a joke, cats literally think that, there are studies about that.
I know what you mean here, but it’s a bit egotistical of humans to be like “we literally know what this creature who can’t talk” is thinking when they can barely properly guess what their long term partner or friend is always thinking 🤣 cats MIGHT be more simplistic in thought patterns than humans, but to assert what all cats believe based on an incorrect reporting on John Bradshaw’s studies of cats is just plain wrong- please do a quick search! You’ll see there are conflicting reports of what his book seems to claim, but he himself does not assert that that’s what cats literally believe. 😬
Edit to add: here’s the article where he’s being interviewed about it, and the relevant part!
"I’ve read articles where you’ve said cats think of us as big, stupid cats. Is that accurate?
No. In the book [I say] that cats behave toward us in a way that’s indistinguishable from [how] they would act toward other cats. They do think we’re clumsy: Not many cats trip over people, but we trip over cats.
But I don’t think they think of us as being dumb and stupid, since cats don’t rub on another cat that’s inferior to them."
@liztliss My personal theory is that they know we aren’t a cat like them, but they figure we think the same way they do and that most everyone shows affection and communicates like a cat. I could be wrong, but it seems to fit.
Yeah we can’t literally know what cats are thinking, but humans do tend to anthropomorphise so we can’t really help attributing our observations of their behaviour into what we believe they are thinking. Very egotistical of us.
My observation they think we are a bit useless comes from the ‘gifts’ behaviour of bringing things into the house. My cat brings in small lizards- thanks buddy! Could be any number of reasons they do it, but I find it amusing to ponder if he thinks I’m not good at hunting, so he better take care of this important cat business.
More accurately, they treat us how they treat other cats. They haven’t been bred to do otherwise like dogs have. It doesn’t mean they think we’re cats.
I wish to read these studies! To help me understand myself! It would make alot of sense if I was just a giant, really lazy cat
@rx8geek Useless? I put little ice cubes in their water!
They’re not wrong.
Except when the cat was raised with dogs and no other cats. Met many a cat who thought they were a dog. (or dogs who thought they were cats)
My cat tries to bark. It just comes out like a weird chirp but he was raised alongside a dog and always emulated his vocals growing up to get my attention.
a cat’s cat, you might say.
I wish I had the confidence of a cat.
Except the troubled ones. Our orange “Fuchs” was hit by a car, the driver (a veterinary) took his operation on, to fix the pieces of his pelvis together. He limps a bit since then but is just a nice guy enjoying being cat, nothing of the asshole behavior.
Well if your cat is going to be hit by a car, I suppose getting hit by a veterinarian who will repair your cat for free is choice.
But seriously that guy. A few days after the op, still couldn’t walk all bandaged up, he used the wall as support to get to his people eating supper. ♥️
My cat lived with humans since birth, pretty much believes he is a human. Other cats really confuse him now.
My cat just thinks I’m a large, inept cat.
Cats are gonna cat.
The catest cat.
The Cat cat of cattiness.
This tracks lol