Would I get banned from one of those sites asking for some rich person to just give me money for school and not weird foot related butthole stuff?
edit: why is this question getting shit on? it’s a legit question.
edit again: jesus this community is mean af. i’ll see my way out.
I think what you’re looking for is called a scholarship.
It is getting downvoted because you are asking how to receive free money without providing absolutely anything of value.
The only people who will deliver the kind of relationship that you are looking for is probably your parents.
Yea … if I had rich parents that would be great…
I don’t have rich parents either. I got loans to pay my way through college. The system sucks.
But I didn’t ask random strangers online to just throw money my way for no particular reason.
god damn are you judgey…
There was no judgment being made. I simply restated what you had said in a slightly sarcastic style.
A judgment would be “What you were asking is painfully stupid and therefore maybe you’re too dumb to actually go to college.”
There’s a substantial difference.
Let’s be more careful while engaging in discussions next time.
deleted by creator
Nah dude. You’re just a condescending asshole. You clearly don’t know shit while thinking you know everything. I feel bad for people who have to deal with you in real life. Must be fucking brutal.
If you actually do find someone who’s just passing out money for free, send them my way.
Just got finished watching a doc about girls who just go to dude’s houses from the sugar daddy websites just to offer conversation and then walk out with 100k cash in hand… so apparently it’s a thing.
Just got finished watching this…
Don’t trust anything you see online for surface value.
Oh man… I don’t want to be terrified, man! I just wanted to ask if anyone actually had experience doing the thing. This is next level creepy.
When you make such a profile, you’ll attract tons of Sugar daddy scammers, who will either send you fake payments, or get you to commit fraud. Internet strangers don’t give money out for free. Better and safer to stick with established organizations.
I appreciate at least one non-incel toned response. I’d seen a doc on women who were making a ton of cash on the sugar daddy sites but not having to put out and was curious.
I of course don’t know the details of your doc. But people can misrepresent such scams, by misunderstanding (like in ponzi scams - even banks invest in these), by other scams (like task scam), by coercion (you do this, and we will do this, such as giving your account back, for you), etc.
Also, can I get the money from being a doctor but without being a doctor?
Don’t be mean!
I know a friend of a friend who had a platonic sugar daddy - this is extremely rare. From what I’ve heard from sex worker friends, the most common thing they want is companionship (followed by sex, and then nonsexual kink activities), so you would still have to provide that even if you’re not going to have sex. You can’t expect money for nothing, but sex is not the only thing being asked for here. I can’t speak to getting banned or not, but if you are not willing to have sex or indulge in any kinks you will realistically be looking for an absurdly tiny pool of sugar daddies, while sifting through tons of typical potential clients who do expect sex and/or kink, and plenty of scams on top of that.
Hey thanks for an honest to god real answer. You’re awesome!
weird foot related butthole stuff
Is that A Thing?
Did you read their username? 🤔
That’s a (w)hole different butt game.
I hope you brought tacos to the party
Is my butt not enough?
It’s a GREAT THING! lol (I actually have no idea)
It has to be. I saw a tiktok about something called feetfinders as a website.
It was more the weird feet + butthole (as opposed to the everyday toe in poopchute shenanigans).
so like an “influencer” with extra steps?