You might be interested about reading experiences of general anesthesia and split brain experiments aswell then. It’s really weird how human consciousness works.
I have had my fair of surgeries. I don’t remember anything from when I go under to when I wake up. I always ponder, is that what death is like? It is hard to imagine there being nothing.
This is a topic that fascinates me. I’ve read extensively about it. I am an atheist but sometimes I ponder after hearing these stories.
Maybe you fall a bit more agnostic then?
I’m open to the idea. If the evidence supports it then I’d believe. So far I’ve seen nothing to convince me
Anti god or anti religion? I’m pretty ok saying, “i don’t know, nobody knows, i guess I’ll find out one day, or not.”
YOu can’t be anti-something you don’t believe is real. I have no issues with religion.
Not sure that atheism excludes belief in life after death, tbh. We’re all alive right now with no god, after all.
Well, i am, but I’m still not sure about the rest of you.
Actually, now you come to mention it…
Same. I am between believing in souls or not, so this is a topic worth pondering.
This is exactly why I always wonder. I recall reading every single comment on a Reddit’s thread (at least 2000 comments)
You might be interested about reading experiences of general anesthesia and split brain experiments aswell then. It’s really weird how human consciousness works.
I have had my fair of surgeries. I don’t remember anything from when I go under to when I wake up. I always ponder, is that what death is like? It is hard to imagine there being nothing.