It all started about 37 years ago. I was born male and I was content. Sure, I was a bit disconnected, like I was just along for the ride and not really part of my own life. “That’s just how life is,” I thought. “Everybody feels this way, right? So why question it?” I certainly couldn’t talk to my verbally and physically abusive, mostly-absent father about it.

I did well enough in school, made mostly male friends, never got bullied, and I was content. Sure, I wanted desperately to know what being female would be like, and jumped at every opportunity to pretend just a bit. “But that’s normal, right? Who wouldn’t want to be a different gender, at least for a day?”

In my 20s, I met a wonderful woman, we got married, and about 4 years ago, we had a baby. The moment I found out we were having a girl, my heart soared and my mind raced, thinking of all the fun girl stuff I’d finally be able to do using my future daughter as an excuse. “I just wanna be a good, present dad,” I thought. “Of course I’ll get have to do girl stuff with her!”

Earlier this year, I had a major epiphany and came out as nonbinary (take a look at my post history for that whole story).

I’ve been trying to figure myself out since then. I defaulted to nonbinary because I’m a dad and don’t want to confuse my young daughter, and it meant I could feel comfortable finally embracing my femininity, if only a little. I started wearing skirts and dresses to work, even out into the world at large, and it felt wonderful. I kept my shaved head and big beard, though, because those were my armor.

But I’m a bit impulsive, and a few days ago, I shaved my beard and bought a beautiful, long, colorful wig. I wore it to work earlier this week, and the utter euphoria of my wonderful coworkers referring to me as she/her sent me places I’d never been emotionally. I’d never felt so seen.

But I was still Dad at home, so I couldn’t allow myself to consider a full transition.

Being endlessly curious, and definitely not because I wanted to fully transition, I researched gender dysphoria and HRT, and the impacts they can have on the mind. When I got to the section about DPDR - depersonalization and derealization - I was floored. The description reflected exactly how I’ve felt my whole life up until I started embracing my femininity. “But that’s normal, isn’t it? … Everyone doesn’t feel this way?”

I had a long talk with my partner yesterday, and she helped me to feel comfortable with the idea of being a trans woman. She assured me that our daughter would adjust and would still love me regardless - that I could still be her dad, even if I wasn’t a man.

We went out to a restaurant and did some shopping yesterday, myself in my full feminine attire, wig and all. She wanted to show me off, and I wanted to let her.

I may have a masculine jaw, a pesky beard shadow, and a bit too deep of a voice, but for that brief time that we were out, I was unabashedly a woman. I’d never felt so alive, so present - I was no longer a passenger in my own life.

I was a content, binary male. Then I was nonbinary. Now I’m making my way back to the binary, but this time as a woman.

The next step is scheduling a visit with a gender counselor to get a prescription to start myself on HRT, and I couldn’t be more excited.

All the doubt I had about myself is gone, replaced with conviction. I know, finally, what I am. I’m a woman. My body just didn’t get the memo.

Edited for typo correction.

    1 year ago

    I love how happy this story feels all the way through!

    Where do you live though?! I cannot imagine just waltzing into work or going shopping one day suddenly presenting different! I like to think most of the people I work with are very open minded, but still the shock. It might be partly due to not wanting the attention, because I don’t want to be in the spotlight.

    I wasn’t as obsessed with it growing up as you describe, but I definitely remember being curious and making a comment to my brother who was basically like" “no? Why would I want that?”

    A lot of the rest though! Holy shit that’s me! I’ve been uncomfortable about aspects of my body at least since puberty but tried to be more or less content. I think I kind of brute forced my way to contentment sometimes not caring, or acting like I accepted my body, sometimes caring a lot inside. But more or less content. I thought of it recently like I got set walking down a path, but never chose it or thought about it until somone asked “why are you going that way, or are you sure that’s the right way?” and suddenly it hit me, “I don’t know, I guess I haven’t really thought about” and then I did.

    I also got weirdly excited about the thought of having a daughter(twice actually) but hadn’t really considered it the way you did, and now I’m wondering if that related to some deep down stuff I haven’t found yet.

    Your journey was fascinating! Thanks for sharing! I hope to one day be brave enough to take steps like that.

    1 year ago

    Your story is awesome <3. A few months ago, I was pretty much in the state you describe in §2, before I cracked my egg. Seeing someone with a similar experience is heartwarming ^v^. Wish you the best

    Edit: formatting

  • Vlaxtocia [she/her]
    1 year ago

    I’m so happy for you! 💖 I’m still in the scared and questioning stage. I’ve already been thinking I should try to go the whole distance, shave my beard, and get a wig. But god damn if that doesn’t feel scary thanks to internalised transphobia

    1 year ago

    I may have a masculine jaw, a pesky beard shadow, and a bit too deep of a voice

    Just wanted to chime in that all of these are absolutely within your reach. Your jaw will absolutely be obliterated after a year+ of HRT. Learning color correction with makeup can make a beard shadow vanish, though laser/electrolysis is a permanent solution that your insurance (if you have it) may even cover. Lastly, I promise that if you don’t like how deep your voice is, you can absolutely modify it through training to sound exactly the way you would like it to.

    1 year ago

    'Ey! The dysphoria beard! 😁
    Did that, tried hypermasculinizing my way out of what I now know was gender dysphoria, injured my back severely.
    Self destructed, gained weight thinking what’s the worth.
    Started voice training with my voice at ~90-100hz now able to talk at 210hz without strain or restricting my vocal folds.
    You’ll get there. Don’t worry. Heck, you’re miles away stronger than I was, rolling into work in a dress and beard.
    Document these moments in photo and in writing because the next year after you start HRT is gonna be a trip.