$1000/day, no qualifications, no details is more likely a scam than human trafficking. Maybe porn or something illegal.
It absolutely could be a simple scam, porn, or human trafficking. Maybe all three.
Yeah, I’ve seen this sort of thing before: first they reel 'em in smooth like with door-to-door vacuum cleaner sales, get 'em hooked on only fans, then BAM, they’re selling their ass on Pico for $50 a pop.
What’s Pico?
It’s when you keep eating stuff that’s not food.
Yeah, I’m thinking some sort of sketch ass MLM.
Wonder if they’re interested in a 50-something obese white guy. I could use the money.
Do me a favor. Im about 10 years younger than you, but same physical stature. If they take you, drop me a message to let me know, please!
It sounds sketch AF
posting this on 196 is so funny wth
nah they just gonna harvest your organs
what are they gonna do with my oregano
It’s probably an MLM
Could be prostitution, yeah. The only thing you can really do is file a police report. Or vigilante justice
I wonder if it stands for an area. “htx or south florida”
Hampton roads?
H T Crossing?
Fuck if I know.
Houston Texas maybe
We’ll see, I sent dick pics.
what else would htx stand for?
whatever it is i’m not finding out