Gucci_Minh [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2020


  • Me to other Communists: Stalin was a complex character who did make mistakes, went too hard on some stuff and not hard enough on others, but overall was a force for good, and I can never fault him for leading the USSR in defeating the Nazis.

    Me to libs: You will not talk badly about uncle Joe Steel, ender of the holocaust, killer of fascists, beacon of hope to the global south.

    I would like more people to become socialist, but I feel not condemning Stalin doesn’t help the cause.

    Constantly repudiating historical socialists for being the wrong type of socialist hurts the cause far more, and is exactly what the feds want you to do.

  • If they want iron sight realism they need to go all the way and make diopter sights actually usable, i.e. the ring goes out of focus and you get a nice aperture on the front post, instead of how it usually works which is a giant black disc blocks 90% of your screen and you get a tiny dot in the middle to aim through.

    Same with notch and post sights, no, it’s not just a black rectangle that blocks half your field of view.

  • Yes, and I hate that they made it a hack and slash generic action rpg that was just watered down witcher in greece instead of an actual assassin game. I was disgusted when after plunging a knife into a dude’s neck that instead of dying, like in actual AC games, a healthbar with 60% hp popped up and he started fighting me. Also for some reason, singleplayer microtransactions to skip the grind. (I cheat engined that shit fuck ubisoft)

    Gamers need to criticize the enshittification of their games, why the hell do they care about a black samurai when the game is going to 100% be far cry tower climber in japan?