We’re really just never going to see Typhlosian again because of some leaked document?
I’m going to be honest, I liked those stories from the documents. They felt like real myths and legends in the pokèmon world. So what if they were weird and fucked up? So is real mythology.
await new mega
new mega arise
The Yankees fucking won again
Thank you.
Panthers beat the Bruins again, and the Yankees just beat the Guardians. Great day for teams I fucking hate.
I saw some chud on twitter post triumphantly that the Sydney Sweeney deodorant commercial was a cultural victory and a return to the good old days of twenty years ago. The sum total of their imagination is a hot lady selling them soap. Utterly dismal existence.
I bought the re-release of Broken Sword: Shadow Of The Templars. I probably would have enjoyed the hell out of it as a kid, and I’m having fun with it now, despite how incredibly dated it is.
Red Sox finished the season at 81 - 81 lmao
Maybe I should have been more clear, but I’m talking about fiction or literary non-fiction. Men only being given a diet of self-help grindset book is part of the problem I’m worried about. Like, when I was in high school and college, you could be a “bro” kind of guy and read Chuck Palahniuk, or Hunter S. Thompson, or David Foster Wallace. For decades, authors like Hemmingway and Bukowski found receptive audiences in young men, not to mention all the crime fiction, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy that men have traditionally consumed. The “guy in your English class who loves David Foster Wallace” was a stereotype for a reason. But now it seems like younger men just straight up see no value in reading literature or fiction, because the algorithms just railroad them into Alpha Gridset world. Am I wrong about this?
Am I crazy for thinking that the only real culture young men are exposed to now are like variations of the Tom Cruise character from Magnolia?
I’m struggling how to articulate this, but I’m kind of terrified that the culture has been geared to killing or ignoring any idea of real male interiority to potentially catastrophic results. Reading anecdotes about how men don’t read or buy books anymore, even books that are traditionally geared towards men, and how college literature classes have no young men taking them. Is it just nothing for men but video games and Rogan knock-off grindset streamers from now on?
The Biden administration represented an experiment in Actually Existing Scoop Jacksonism.
I got this from here: https://x.com/mrpyo1/status/1838711130660712784
Devers has a shoulder injury. He’s been cold for a while. He really should be rested.