HarryLime [any]

  • 28 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Maybe I should have been more clear, but I’m talking about fiction or literary non-fiction. Men only being given a diet of self-help grindset book is part of the problem I’m worried about. Like, when I was in high school and college, you could be a “bro” kind of guy and read Chuck Palahniuk, or Hunter S. Thompson, or David Foster Wallace. For decades, authors like Hemmingway and Bukowski found receptive audiences in young men, not to mention all the crime fiction, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy that men have traditionally consumed. The “guy in your English class who loves David Foster Wallace” was a stereotype for a reason. But now it seems like younger men just straight up see no value in reading literature or fiction, because the algorithms just railroad them into Alpha Gridset world. Am I wrong about this?