Yay, I’m not the only one!
It will breathe fresh life into the fediverse. I can’t wait.
I still lurk. I expected the slow decline and change in character that others here have predicted.
What I have seen in the last 8 days floored me. Continues to floor me. Reddit is already a zombie platform. Front page is week-old posts. Bot generated reposts from 2 weeks ago.
And astroturf posts trying to spin the whole thing as a “what was that blip?” Or “glad those whiners are gone”
It happened so much faster than I expected.
Was going great until I discovered a new reason to visit the dentist.
Oh, well, just gotta sweat thru the next week, then I can get another root canal.
Take care of your teeth while you are young!!!
Nice UI, thx.
Interested in any responses, myself.
I like this POV. Meh pizza is still pizza, better than most other things.
Less than stellar Futurama is still going to wind up being my favorite current television show.
Well, Earth is where I keep all my stuff, but there are some shiny rocks on Mars.
Rexxitor or Redfugee is what I call myself