Sephitard9001 [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • This is funny to me. It’s like trying to posit that Lincoln was so fundamentally anti-slavery through sheer principle that he would inspire anti-slavery movements in any scenario removed from his presidency in America. It’s like they had to give him some special effect so they just gave him the thing he’s most known for doing like it was his life’s work or something

  • Oblivion I think has the perfect mix of dialogue options and voice acting. Once you get over the fact that everyone in the world shares like 5 voices, it feels more natural. Morrowind I think is better written and its lore and questlines make more sense and are more fleshed out, but goddamn are those motherfuckers longwinded. You’re telling me I can walk up to someone and barrage them with questions and they’ll spout a wiki worth of information at me? Nah, I like Oblivion’s more limited options. You can ask the average person 4 or 5 questions before they’re like “Okay now get the fuck outta my face and do the job, chump”.

  • On one hand, I agree because it’s so cliche to have every villain come back over and over in a saturday morning cartoon fashion. On the other hand, I love Bison and Urien’s design and how they play so I would very much enjoy them being included in every game as long as it’s a flashback version or something and they’re not actually in the current story arc because they live forever or have revived for the 3rd time or some stupid shit

  • Sheesh there’s just way too many to narrow it down to my “favorite” so I’ll try to give two interesting answers rather than just listing all the ones I enjoyed most.

    Way of the Samurai is the PS2 game I’d like to see remade most out of all the games that haven’t been remade already. It was jank but the combat had a lot of hidden depth, and the story could be changed by so many small compounding choices. It has insane replay value. Also the soundtrack is fucking great. Same composer as Tenchu and it shows. I’ve been whistling “Brutal Heart” and Tamagawa’s theme to myself for years.

    The PS2 version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed I think is baffling better than its PS3 counterpart you’re meant to like more. It has a lot more content than you’d expect for an inferior version made for a dying console, they absolutely did not phone it in. The PS3 version I think has a more cohesive story with a lot more fluff trimmed though and it feels more like an original modern Star Wars entry whereas the PS2 version feels like its firmly stuck in the discarded extended universe where all the non-canon stories die