Thanks for answering. That’s a great reply and I’m going to save this comment.
Thanks for answering. That’s a great reply and I’m going to save this comment.
How do you get past the initial brainworms even bringing up the word communism? Like someone else said above, I feel like I can’t even bring up an alternative path or get them to pick up a book without them yelling about China and Tiannamen Square, or Stalin and his killing a bajillion millon people, or how “communism has never worked”. It’s so annoying to have to go back to these basic, first-grade points every time.
Lol good luck
I think the hybrid system of FF7 Remake/Rebirth is my favorite combat system of all time. I can see how people wouldn’t like it, but i think it’s great, to the pont where I was kind of disappointed when I played the 16 demo.
Hey, it worked for him.
Uh oh. I hope they can recover their wedding photos.
Wait this is an actual mod? This is hilarious. Is it actually good?
The US military says it has launched strikes on the Iranian-backed Houthi group in Yemen, hitting 15 targets.
Every time. Maybe we should start putting the word “US-backed” in front of “Israel” in every news article about them.
Maybe, but I don’t think they’ve formed a new company yet, although they should. At least I haven’t heard of any new project from them, just some sequel ideas from the original company, which is now divorced from its original founders and creative, so it will probably suck.
It’s also a world they’ve been developing since high school, so their next idea may not be as developed. Maybe it will just take them awhile to come up with something new which is why we haven’t heard anything yet? I think they played ttrpg games in it iirc. I’ve got some imaginary places like that in my mind, so I could sympathize with having it blow up, which would be amazing, and then taken from them, which must feel horrible =(
Wow what a beautiful passage. And thanks, I’ll take a look at that book.
My teen years were so boring apparently =(
Makes sense. I like the simplicity. I’d even consider stealing that as a house rule for other similar rpg’s.
What is the difference between a circumstance bonus and status bonus?
I started reading the book than stopped because I have no one to play anything with except for 5e. But character creation looked super fun. I liked all the choices each level.
I haven’t read the article yet but I like the headline. Games should be political. Well, not all have to be, but story based games probably should be. To me, it usually indicates passion and effort from the creator.
D&D/ttrpg personality Matt Coville once said in a stream something like, “no movies are about anything anymore. It’s why everything is about family.”
It was an offhand statement, but it kind of stuck with me since. Especially since I only have the time, money, and inclination for the big movies nowadays where this issue is more prevalent, I see it often. It makes sense. Family is relatable, and not risky. Personal, but not uncomfortable. It’s not “political”, like everything else in life.
That seems to be what they’re figuring out. The right wing candidate didn’t even submit their voting tallies to the Supreme Court or participate in any of the investigations while everyone else did (including other anti-Maduro candidates). What are they supposed to use to determine popular will? Screenshot of papers printed in Machado’s basement?
I wouldn’t be surprised if some shenanigans happened until they publish their results by polling location, but until then all we have to go on is uncooperative opposition and US-based think tanks (the country that’s tried to coup Venezuela basically every other year since Chavez).
And that’s the worst thing. I know he’s a cop but I hated seeing him disappointed in me 😭 It started doing drugs less when around him for that reason lol
That’s a tough one. I’d have to say
VIII or Tactics are runner ups and switch with X and VI sometimes, too. I haven’t finished either but loved what I played. I still need to finish XII, especially with all the people here putting it up in their top 3.
Alright, I like this guy. Time for me to admit it. Can’t help it at this point lol.
Omg I loved that game. Sometimes I think I dreamed it because no one in real life that I meet remembers it, and it never took off with sequels like every other fighting game.
I tried that game years ago and it broke down almost immediately after making a character. And that was after downloading the unofficial patch. Maybe I didn’t put it in right or something, but that turned me off. Still want to play to one day, though…