Nah, I don’t think Office Space had a “Jim” character. My bet would be The Office TV show, American version.
Nah, I don’t think Office Space had a “Jim” character. My bet would be The Office TV show, American version.
Nope. Especially not in Texas in the summertime. The pipes are close enough to the surface that they warm up (unless you have well water, which is always cold).
Ooh, I’ll play! I’m 40 years old. I write checks every month to pay my rent, which has to be delivered to their office either by snail mail or in person (no online payment option).
The last time I saw a dedicated fax machine was my retail job in 2008.
The last time I used a deposit slip was three years ago when I deposited a gallon bag of change in person with a bank teller.
Yes, and well before that too. It meant an unmarried adult woman over the age of _____. (Here is where the discrepancy lies.) It was always true for an elderly woman. But could sometimes be applied all the way down to age 30, especially if you go far enough back that you were expected to be married in your 20s. (And if you weren’t, there must be something wrong with you.)
Ironically, the algorithm pushing adhd content to my boyfriend is what made him actually realize that that’s what he probably has. He just thought everyone felt the way he always has, but were better at handling their life than he was. (There might be a serious low self-esteem problem mixed in there too.)
This is almost the story of my boyfriend’s childhood.
“My son don’t need any drugs!”
Now he’s over 40 and finally putting all the pieces together. But not before going tens of thousands of dollars into debt, which is forcing him to keep a job he hates so that he can pay rent. Have I mentioned the daily panic attacks and constant stress on his body?
But he still hasn’t seen anyone to get a proper diagnosis because “I am barely making it right now, but seeing someone is something I can’t handle right now. Seeing someone might make it worse, and I’ll just go further into debt.”
So here we are. Quickly dying, and not fixing it.
I know, for example, that my microwave completes one full rotation every 10 seconds. If I want to heat something for 45 seconds, it’ll end up backwards. But that’s on me for not using a multiple of 10 seconds.
I’ve never heard of a company giving you your birthday off either. But it’s the only day every year that I feel special, so I always use vacation time to have that day off. And usually a couple of days surrounding it too.
It’s, uh, boll. Boll weevil. So you learned two things!
While we’re on animals, every time I hear the word mongoose I picture some kind of platypus-like creature. Like, a half goose, half weasel or something. And that’s not what it is at all.
I’m full of cheese at all times. What else is there to live for?
I agree that the behavior will absolutely continue. But if the new leader doesn’t have that special “something” that everyone rallies around, the cult divides.
Again, I still have no idea what people see in Trump or why anyone would choose to follow him. But there’s obviously something about him that appeals to them. Visible anger and hate for everyone not in the cult? Promises to destroy them all? Idk.
I think you’re absolutely right about the hate vs. fear. But when the charismatic (Trump? Ew, how?) cult leader dies, sometimes the cult doesn’t have anyone else they all believe in, and it breaks apart. I’m hoping for that.
And The Handmaid’s Tale was supposed to be fiction. But here we are.
Ghost peep!
I’ve had a Kindle paperwhite for multiple years now (7?) and I use Libby to check out books from my local libraries.
I’ve seen this picture! (The exclamation point is because I never recognize art, and I’m shocked.)
Wall Calendar 2025, Japanese Woodblocks:
I’ve gotten this calendar 7 out of the last 10 years or so. They use mostly the same pictures every year, but change the pictures for each month around a little, lol.
Her - my - un - ee
Yo - seh - mit - ee
Fifty Fifty One