I‘m 30 years old. I have never seen a fax machine and a check. I have only once used a payment slip at a machine before my phone app was able to do this.
Ooh, I’ll play! I’m 40 years old. I write checks every month to pay my rent, which has to be delivered to their office either by snail mail or in person (no online payment option).
The last time I saw a dedicated fax machine was my retail job in 2008.
The last time I used a deposit slip was three years ago when I deposited a gallon bag of change in person with a bank teller.
So you’re definitely old enough to know what ✏️📼 means!
Well yeah. It’s when you shove your ✏️ into the magnetic tape so you can destroy it because it contained evidence of the time you pooped the bed and then tried to toss it out the window.
Now ✏️ and cassette are a different thing.
I’m 38, I’ve not used a cheque since I was 19.
I’m 40 and I just used to a check to pay for a car.
I’m gonna guess this is an American thing
I’m in the US and I recently paid for a car with a cashier’s check as well. I was tipped off by the salesman. Evidently at that dealer they charge you a service fee for paying with a card or similar method. Paying by cash or check incurred zero fees.
That’s correct! Not very common for dealerships to accept a credit card for the payment, even a down payment.
And I didn’t feel comfortable handing them cash directly.
I guess I could have given them my debit card. But giving them a check with a paper trail seemed more secure in my head. Uncertain if that’s true or not.
The whole medical empire in the US still uses fax machines for “security reasons”. I had to sign up for some shadey ass online fax service to send docs to my moms doctor after she got sick. And the idiots at the doctors office had their fax machine broken half the time, so they never got half the docs I sent to them.
Sadly, many can’t be trusted or bothered to use a secure means of communication. A lot of people think whatever they use for email or sms is ‘secure.’ Often healthcare, finance, and higher ed try to sidestep the liability as a result.
I’m over fifty, and the last check I had to deal with was about 30 years ago. And the only reason to have this check back then was because I had to pay an American company for some software updates, and as I did not have checks anymore back then (about nobody had then anymore back then). I needed my bank to issue one check acceptable in the US.
It was the most expensive free update I ever had: The update was free, but shipping and handling was $10, outside US&Canada another $20, and express delivery another $10. Plus about $35 in fees to the bank for issuing an American bank compatible check and swapping local currency into US$.
Fun fact: Despite paying for “express delivery” and sending the check and the order per air mail, it took six weeks. One Sunday, the doorbell rang, and a courier right from the next airport delivered a beefy box (software was media and printed manuals back then!). In the box was a copy of the order - it was stamped as “received” on Friday morning, so they really did express delivery. Why the air mail to the US took six weeks though is still a mystery.
I’m 18 and I’ve seen both a check and a fax machine! My father has check books lying around, and I’m an electrician so I saw the owners bring a fax machine into a rehab center we were working at.
Was it one of those new fangled “all-in-one” printer/fax/copier machines, oa a proper fax machine, with its own handset and proprietary roll of paper?
How have you never seen a check at 30? I’m also 30 and I receive checks now and then, and I used to occasionally have to write them. At least here in the US, most jobs give you a paper check for your first check when you just started for some reason instead of that one going to your direct deposit. I also on occasion get a refund check of some sort in the mail. I’ve had to occasionally write a paper check to things like an apartment complex or utility service. It’s become significantly less common tho in 2025, but I still keep paper checks with my other important documents just in case.
Several years back when I was living in the northeast US, our local utility company was stuck in the dark ages. It didn’t have an online payment portal!
Fax machines have been built into copiers/printers for years now. That is…many printers have faxing capabilities. In the medical field, people send faxes all the time. But I’ve never seen a dedicated fax machine, myself.
I‘m across the pond in Europe. I’ve literally never seen a check outside American movies and business books.
Good crop
Perfect for shitposting
Getting flashbang vibes when opening the meme
Then my job here is done.
I still have checkbooks with the 19__ prefix printed to make it easier to write the year!
JFC, I love you old tech savvy people, but is this place really the internet’s retirement community?
Oh well, at least I appriciate your wisdom and prefer running into you guys instead of the fucking bots that sprout absurd propaganda.
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I’m heating my home with wood I chopped myself and have literally ridden into town on a horse once, but I’ve never in my life held a check in my hands.
Nice, are you off-grid?
No, just did a few adjustments to ween myself off fossil fuels when Russia invaded Ukraine. I can power and heat my home from renewables and wood from my own property, and don’t own a car, but otherwise I live a boring normal life working as a sysadmin. The horse riding is a hobby and checks went out of fashion here in Germany when I was a child.
Good work :) I’m in a similar position here in the UK.
Checks are still useful. When adulting you have to pay bills to the government, various taxes and fees. Unfortunately (yay privatization 😡) in order to accept online payments there are more than a few government agencies that have contracted with private vendors to take electronic payment. Of course this saves tax money so the government doesn’t have to expend IT resources to create a site to do this, especially in smaller municipalities, but it also generates leech middlemen who use their position to extract fees for the convenience of allowing you to pay a bill online. Fuck those businesses.
So the old process of writing a check, finding an envelope and stamp and sending it via regular post is better than giving some shitty leech company a fee for taking money from you and handing it to the agency.
Checks are still useful.
In the USA specifically. A lot of other countries have gotten rid of them (or are close to getting rid of them). Try to give someone a check in Australia and they’ll just laugh at you.
extract fees for the convenience of allowing you to pay a bill online.
You just need a credit card with a higher cashback rate than the fees.
This exactly. I still write checks to my lawn care guy because Yardbook has a credit card convenience fee.
I thought I was being smart this way, then realized my bank charged me about $2/cheque when I bought a book of them, but only 1.50 for an interac transfer…
$2 a check? You need a different bank.
I wouldn’t mind having a horse for transportation, but got damn are they expensive (both financially and physically) to maintain.
How the hell did anyone but the rich afford horses before the car‽
They didn’t
A horse is a car you can never turn off. If it dies it never starts back up.
Poor people didn’t have horses
In California in the 1800s there were so many horses running around that people only bothered to take care of their saddle. Probably an exception though!
What is with Americans and paper cheques? I haven’t seen one for at least a decade.
Neither has most of America?
Thus the joke.
I’ve never actually seen one in my roughly 3 decades.
cropping is hard but my fit & steez harder
Just finished chopping a bunch wood. I don’t get it /s
Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
I mean, I’ve done all this at various times. Maybe not to grab provisions, but to go get a coffee.
No you won’t.
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Don’t like that word
don’t like that crop