lotta, like, parents and other people on the periphery of gaming industry thought the WiiU was just an extra tablet you connected to your old Wii. Probably the sound decision here.
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lotta, like, parents and other people on the periphery of gaming industry thought the WiiU was just an extra tablet you connected to your old Wii. Probably the sound decision here.
CEO once took a paycut rather than layoff staff. Happened years ago, and definitely doesn’t excuse the over-litigation.
I’m impressed. I kinda thought we’d never get a satisfying answer to what the administrator was all about. Like, they mystery of it was always gonna be more interesting than the answer. But torturing the undead corpse of a robber-barron for over a century? That’s pretty good.
I heard somewhere that they lost or didn’t bother to keep the original files, so to port it they’d have to… I don’t quite know, decompile? …everything out of playstation standards and into something more generic computers can read.
finally memorizing how “cancel” is spelled so that I can look at tweets
which person seems more likely,
an american with a jumbled set of contradictory beliefs
or, an american with a principled understanding of a political theory (but not that principled, cus this is still adventurism)
The 2003 action-adventure game Disney’s Piglet’s Big Game, based on the film Piglet’s Big Game
rare tie in film for a game release
he’s clearly using the reflection to keep an eye out and quickly alt-f4 porn when he sees someone approaching.
there was a video years ago that made the interesting point that exploring, cataloging the ecosystem and gathering, crafting resources kinda exist alongside but separate from one another. I hope there’s more to interactions with the plants and animals this go round
Oof, very rarely should an author ever narrate their own book. The Stephen Fry version is much better, if you haven’t sworn off Hitchhickers altogether.
half.earth is an interesting simulation, really gets you thinking
but it’s funny how there’s not much really written for succeeding. I managed to get biodiversity up, warming to under 1C, and a curbstomping coalition of eco-fannonist-femminist-animal~lib-utopians to pass all the cool and good policies. At the end I was spending points on space stuff cus there was nothing else to do, and yet I got a generic “didn’t do enough” killscreen after dying in office to old age.
I’m half way through the book and it’s really good. Given me a lot to think about.
I don’t think they ever showed it, but it was mentioned in an interview around the time BotW came out
Water cube is nothing compared to the Crawltula. Available immediately after the tutorial dungeon; hit it with the tractor beam, hold down “R”, and it will carry you up any wall you like.
A solution I’ve seen (and i’m pretty sure Nintedo has done this themselves once or twice) is to have the Roll Credits Ending happen 2/3rds of the way through the total game-play, leaving the challenging stuff as an optional.
I remember hearing that during Breath of the Wild’s development, they made a top-down 2D engine to quickly test out mechanics to see what was fun and what wasn’t. I’m almost half convinced this game was a quick repackage of one of those mechanics.
Not sure. I use a credit union and they don’t, but that may not be a good indicator for general practices.
Go to your bank and ask for a cashier’s check, (make sure your info is in the memo). With a cashier’s check, the bank takes the money out of your account immediately, so whenever the agency cashes the check, they’re taking the money from the banks account.
It worked, Shinji
Not sure what to think of the magnetic lock on the controllers. That side port they plug into looks way more fragile than however the fuck the rails worked.