Being distracted by a live stream while cutting people off, speeding, running red lights and ignoring police roadblocks while driving a lorry from Spain through the UK to France
This is about the cosmic desktop environment, not a CPU architecture
Does it necessarily need exploits? I might be wrong, but I believe games running in wine can access any file your user can. It should still be able to delete, edit or encrypt them. Wine just translates calls, it doesn’t create a locked down container or anything iirc
Does anyone know if firewalls like OPNSense can do IPS for ads and tracking instead of “normal” intrusions like malware?
Wine might translate the windows calls to Linux depending on what the malware does
AFAIK CTT’s tool literally uses Microsoft provided tooling.
Edit: it’s the same tooling used by companies to modify their own windows installs
Last I checked windows 11 can be installed without TPM support. I think rufus even has a simple checkbox for it and Chris Titus’s winutil can modify an ISO to do the sams
Sadly you won’t always have a choice. My university has disabled any non-Microsoft client support. They do this to “protect the privacy of the teachers”. Currently I’m running a windows VM on my server with Outlook to forward the emails to my personal email. Which in the end is even worse for them GDPR wise
That’s really cool! Rewriting sudo in Rust actually feels like a no brainer tbh
How would that be different from other countries? Would there be too many cultural similarities?
Like the other commenter said, we generally use the singular form. Though I have heard plural, usually to refer to Vlaamse frieten or Flemish fries. I believe in those cases it’s generally meant to be a fun thing to say though
It’s patat or friet in Dutch. I think it depends on region mostly?
Hetzner storage boxes look really compelling. Thanks for sharing!
Very interesting, might have to check that out sometime
That looks really interesting! Does this exist for other languages like Rust?
I just scroll past those. I have set my XDG dirs which helps. If I were to reinstall it would be back once I have everything I need
Who cares with storage nowadays? I just use filelight or command line based tools to determine big storage hogs when I need to
Cloudflare tunnels definitely aren’t wrong, you’re just not entirely using open source software. It’s a very good option if you need to open things to the public or want to learn more about cloud services
You don’t need an account. De-bloating scripts take care of most other annoyances. You can fairly easily beat windows into submission