Embrace the cringe and live a truer self
Also on Mastodon!
Embrace the cringe and live a truer self
I’m using a 4a right now which I bought last year, refurbished. It’s a great phone and has a headphone jack. If you’re concerend about updates, install an alternative OS. If you want to degoogle that should be the path anyway.
9 years of evidence is a lot of time when it comes to signs of long term damage. Especially with a new technology
I never said that vapes are “just as harmful as cigaretres”. Altough most studies that suggest “less harmful” vapes are corporately sponsored by vape companies and tobacco companies that are slowly adopting vapes into their model.
Vapes as a tool to quit smoking are a nice tale, and probably work sometimes. But mostly vapes attracted teenagers and young adults and have started addicting a new generation of smokers/vapers after numbers have been falling these past few years.
A lot of comments here are saying that vaping is apprently healthier than smoking. But we don’t actually know that. All independent studies I know of say that we can’t tell the long term consequences to vaping lungs yet.
Everyone that says that vaping is healthier than smoking is just parotting the companies that sell vapes.
Edit: Some videos about that topic:
Unterbewusst ist das ein Ausschlusskriterium für mich, ich kann dir nicht mal sagen warum. Es fühlt sich einfach unprofessioneller an. Die anderen Kollegen in den Kommentaren haben aber recht: vielleicht machen die doch eher ihre Arbeit als Geld in IT Infra zu investieren.
Meiner Erfahrung nach dürfen Ärzte sowieso keine Patientenspezifischen Daten via Mail austauschen. Da gibt es sichere und zentrale Portale, in denen Ärzte mit Patienten digital Kommunizieren können.
If you out half the funding from car infrastructure instead into train and bus infrastructure this would not be a problem. Induced demand works both ways.
Just fund trains.
I’m a more sinister, third thing (haiiiiiii!)
The Ottoman Empire 😭 greece isn’t fucking around
You’re right! Not that many news sites starting with V…
One Ex-Vox Editor made a video about it: https://youtu.be/vrUWQ56GeyU
I think we’re going to see a lot more of those types of games in the future. It’s pretty easy to make a decent looking game with UE 5 - still doesn’t give it any soul though.
The Elden Ring Main Menu theme has always impressed. It sets the stage very well.
If I think of main menu music only one other game cones to my mind and that’s Doom Eternal. I’m not sure if it’s necessarily a “good” main menu theme, but the whistling definitely stuck with me.
You can enable auto-updates for all apps in the google play store and disable it for certain app by going to their page in the app store and disabling it in the thee-dot-menu on the top right.
What in the seven hells is a “warming up” game?