They’re guessing, and no doubt fishing for clicks.
X-rays from flares travel at the speed of light and hit us in about 8 minutes. Solar energetic particles (related to flares) take minutes to hours. A coronal mass ejection usually takes about 3 days. At the moment we have no way of predicting them before they happen, so X-ray flares have no early warning because nothing is faster than the speed of light. We can see a CME erupt and know if it’s heading our way.
There are a couple of good sized sunspots at the moment that are facing towards us so the chances of something happening are decent, but we don’t know if and when and how much.
I’m only an amateur but I’m happy to give it a go
I pine for the old days when you had to have technical skill to interact on the internet, and that virtually all content available was valuable.
The problem is, I am now too old and time-poor to learn new technical skills fast enough to stay ahead of the horde.
I am therefore surrounded by people who vomit their asinine thoughts into the void, and have become one of them. If I am here, then so are they.
Nice tin-foil hat you have there
They need to show profit to their investors. They sunk millions into NFT bullshit and now the only way is to force everyone into the official app to serve ads and whatever other nefarious ideas they have.
It’s a short term plan, guaranteed.
IMAP supports TLS, what’s Proton’s excuse for enforcing their own delivery protocol?
Kbin was trivial to figure out. Mastodon I still struggle with a bit.
There are those of us who used to be tech-savvy “back in the day” that don’t handle change either quickly or well.
I feel personally attacked, lol.
The problem I find with the technologically illiterate is that they immediately blurt out what’s on their mind. They ask the same fucking questions over and over, without searching first. The signal to noise ratio drops way down and every day is the same shit.
I am more than happy to interact with people of all walks of life but the internet is very “Groundhog Day” compared with when techies were the only ones on here. I’m not sure what the solution is that gives us perpetual cake.
They won’t in the short term.
In the long run they’ll hopefully go the way of myspace/digg.
It takes a long time for a juggernaut to die. They can circle the drain for years
Don’t know don’t care, I haven’t been back since the bullshit started.
The last finale finished in such amazing fashion I’m fearful of how you can successfully rejuvenate the series. What stories do you tell after “happily ever after”?
I know the story left open the idea of more episodes but for me it kinda feels like being told you can spend another 5 years with your late grandfather.
Anyway I’m still gonna bloody well watch it. It’s Futurama.
One does not simply unjump the shark
It takes me about a week of holiday before I can read. No work stress, and less obsession with the continual dopamine hits of smart phones, eventually lets my brain relax enough to pick up a book.
Every time I come back from holidays I tell myself I should keep reading. I never have kept it up though…
The OOTB experience of everything is declining
I don’t mind it. It’s outing all the companies who are run by people who lack critical thinking skills. Thanks for letting me know which corners of the internet to avoid
This is just a standard “clearing house” measure. Remove the dissidents, ignore the howls of complaint… surround yourselves with “yes men” and then you are set
Kinda interesting to hear of that happening but at the end of the day, if they want to roll back my posts good luck to them, it will cost them more effort than it did for me to run a script to edit/delete
The 9to5mac article has just the right amount of spiteful contempt. Nice.
Battery lifetimes are specced as 80% capacity remaining. So a 300 mile range becomes 240 miles. Still highly usable.