I’ve played Phantom Liberty, going to the moon would fit that story. Maybe this is cut content from that expansion, not its own thing.
Vorsicht, stark ätzender, felliger Abfall!
I’ve played Phantom Liberty, going to the moon would fit that story. Maybe this is cut content from that expansion, not its own thing.
Void and Alpine are pretty great!
Yes, but the article only exists because there is this academic cottage industry that produces insane grievance studies in the first place.
To be fair it wasn’t CNN doing this groundbreaking “research”.
Such is the price of freeedom.
What about the Space Force?
Time for an anti-dog moat, I’d say. Full of robot sharks.
Okay, but this can’t go through doors on its own either unless it brings an arm buddy.
I don’t find that scarier than the cheap suicide quad copters we’ve seen in Ukraine.
“What should we do to get more people working in the health sector?”
“Better pay and more manageable shifts!”
“Roll back privatization to shift the focus to sustainability over profits!”
“I’d just enslave the youth again.”
[Employee 1& 2 get defenestrated for a change]
It isn’t always deliberate, I can guarantee you that.
Und jetzt? 30% der jungen Menschen abschreiben?
Du hast Recht, das ist nicht ordentlich zitiert. Ich vermute die nehmen da Bezug auf diese oder ähnliche Studien: https://www.bib.bund.de/DE/Presse/Konferenzen/2019-12-04-Gewinner-der-Globalisierung.html
Die zeichnet allerdings auch ein etwas anderes Bild, nicht Geld sondern Chancen und Weiterentwicklung.
Darum ja “Arbeit und Einkommen” im Satz davor.
Ich weiß echt nicht warum du so viele Downvotes dafür bekommst, (Netto-)Gehalt ist so weit ich weiß mit der größte Grund warum Leute aus Deutschland abhauen.
In den meisten Fällen bilden Arbeit und Einkommen die wesentliche Motivation für einen Wegzug aus Deutschland. Insgesamt nennen 58 Prozent der Befragten berufliche Gründe bei der Entscheidung für ein Leben im Ausland. Eine Unzufriedenheit mit dem Leben in Deutschland wird in 18 Prozent der Fälle als hauptsächlicher Grund angegeben.
You are making it sound like China and its large corporations weren’t also very interested in profits and market domination.
That’s true, the reason I mentioned it is because you asked if it’s our place to interfere, prime directive style. I don’t think we have a moral reason to not interfere with some¹ species in our cultivated/managed spaces. It makes a lot more sense to me to have large national parks and other conservation areas where human interference is minimized.
¹ Usually it’s only some, not all. Probably because wolves, in this case, capture a lot of people’s imaginations. Which is awesome, but it’s also a bias some people have.
Is it really our place to interfere?
We already have, massively.
It also says that they might have planned a second expansion featuring it. Doesn’t really say when the content was made, just that it would have been DLC.